Travelling today but can't skip my gesture practice Monday! 1-10min poses in Procreate
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Gannon Beck
Sketch from today. I like the line quality on this one better than the previous ones. We'll see if it was a fluke, or if it's something I can do on the regular.
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I really like this one. It does great job of capturing a small, intimate moment.
Another quick session with youtube NMA figure drawing. Tried using a ballpoint pen this time and I'm not sure about the result. I like how loose it feels to draw with it, similarly to charcoal, but on the other hand I end up with a hundred of lines instead of one or two. Also, this time I was drawing flat on the table and I think this didn't help with my judgement of proportions - all of these figures seem to have very short legs ;)
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Gannon Beck
136th Day of Proko and counting. 30 second, two minute and five minute sketches.
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Love how in those longer poses get the exaggeration just right. It feels to me like you push the pose just a little, enough to make it really expressive and convincing, and yet still perfectly realistic.
Joseph Osley
Here are some gesture drawings from the last few days with a couple random bits at the end.
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These are great! I really like your more finished poses (like on page 11 and 12) but you also manage to express so much with so few lines in the quicker poses (eg page 8). Super inspiring!
Joseph Osley
I am having one of the worst drawing weeks of my entire life. My hands are trash. I have essential tremor always but it has been unhinged this week. I am house sitting so I don’t have a scanner and everything is awful. You’ve all been sharing such fantastic work I feel obligated to balance it out with my failure. I’m just struggling. Raving over.
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Just have to repeat what Ash already said: page 2, bottom center portrait - it's absolutely fantastic! It caught my eye straight away and I keep coming back to it trying to figure out how you managed the expression.
Gannon Beck
130th Day of Proko and counting. 10 second gestures. Okay, this was pretty ridiculous. I found my self laughing a lot as I fumbled through them. Still fun, though.
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My 1min poses don't look half as good as your 10sec ones!
Gannon Beck
2nd post of the day in here. A little while back @Martha Muniz was nice enough to give me some feedback regarding shading. She pointed me to a video on shading by Dorian Iten on YouTube that was very helpful. I revisited the video tonight and took a crack at it with digital tools. Shading is a big area of growth for me. I've done a lot of t-shirt and comic book illustrations, but the style I work in is far less subtle than what I'm trying to develop. Dorian has a shading course here with a lot of free lessons. I delved into those a bit tonight as well. The figures I've drawn after watching a few videos were done with the intent to find the terminator (where the form light meets the shadow shape), which is an exercise Dorian recommends. I'll eventually buy the premium course because Dorian clearly has an approach I want to get deep into, but I'll wait a little while until I finish a few of the open courses I'm in.
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Nice! Btw, there is a name for that trick when you make the background dark behind the lit part of the object, and lighter behind the part that's in shadow - anyone remembers what it's called?
Ash Chung
Feel and convey, feel and convey.. think i over-felt. It was my first time to gesture draw with an older model. Doublespeeding the vid amplified his instability during the pose which, to my surprise, got translated into my lines unintentionally. Fascinating, but got a bit freaked out so i did another session with a totally different model to shake that off. i started with 30s w/ these. Still lagging so much after being out of practice for a while. 
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It's kinda awesome how even your shadow shapes have gesture to them, in that fleshed out figure on the bottom right of the second page.
My gesture drawing practice for this week. I tried NMA timed video on youtube and did it twice. I feel like the second time around the poses turned out better. Once again, sorry for the quality of the pics. I have to figure out some better lighting so that the whole page is lit evenly.
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Joseph Osley
I drew 100 Ears. This took longer than I intended. I had some real-life stuff(quite the rarity). Enjoyed my time amongst these cavernous cartilages. Trying to improve my shading. Some of the different angles were hard to get. I definitely used up some erasers with these. I think the biggest challenge was the impersonal nature of the subject matter. Other features are evocative but ears, especially the unadorned variety, are not especially emotive. I think that's why I found myself dragging my feet a bit. All in all, plenty to improve upon, but happy with the practice.
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Whoa! I bet, when you close your eyes, all you can see are ears. And when you walk on the street, ears everywhere ;) But seriously, fantastic drawings. I know that ears are supposed to be unique, like finger prints, but your exercise really drove it home for me. Such glorious diversity!
For some reason this was not easier... Drawing the blobs first helped me put them in the right place in relation to each other, I think. But then turning the blobs into boxes was somehow harder than just drawing boxes. And in some poses I wasn't able to figure out the proportions correctly...
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Ash Chung
Didnt get as much done today, but lets see how long i can keep this up for...
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Your sketches have such a distinct look to them, I think if I saw this page somewhere, I’d known it’s yours. Trying to put my finger on it, I think maybe it’s at least partly about how much is implied rather than actually drawn. Like, a leg will have a curve for the outer edge, with no need to draw the inner edge. Or, two flicks and you’ve indicated the pelvis. I really like this almost ghostly look to your figures.
Gannon Beck
123rd Day of Proko and counting. A few two minute drawings tonight. I switched up brushes from the Keane to the Elvgren. It takes a few sessions to get comfortable when using a new brush but I like it.
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The C-curve from shoulder to knee in the figure on the very right - perfection!
I thought I'd try charcoal this week. For some reason I feel much more loose with it but also it's harder to place the lines where I want to. And easier to make a mess ;)
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Just a quick revision of tilting the boxes in perspective. And I thought I'd try adding a Loomis head to the exercise cause that would mean some more ellipses in perspective too ;) I haven't drawn Loomis heads much before and all I know is from Stan's free video in the portrait course. So any corrections or feedback would be very welcome!
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Gannon Beck
118th Day of Proko and counting. I'm sucking wind tonight, but I got a few 2 minute drawings in. Not my best, but I'll try again tomorrow.
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They can't all be the best, right? Still, I really like the one in the middle in the top row. It's a fairly static pose and yet you managed to make it interesting and fluid.
Time for my weekly hour of gesture. I did 5x5min, 5x2min, 5x1min and then, on the advice from @Joseph Osley , 5x30sec. And true enough, the 5x2min poses I did afterwards felt like forever, I didn't know what to do with the time ;) Same with my last 10min pose. I feel like 5min is my sweet spot but I'll keep practicing the shorter ones too.
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Gannon Beck
113th Day of Proko and Counting. Two, five, and twenty minutes.
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Very cool.
Gannon Beck
115th Day of Proko and counting. Two and five minute sketches.
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These are awesome! A little bit of shading goes a long way. The kneeling woman with flowing hair in the second image is so expressive. And the guy with the guns. Brilliantly captured poses.
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