Marcel Weiland
Marcel Weiland
Activity Feed
Marcel Weiland
I’m a level one student, but I wanted to give this one a shot. I chose a sloth, which turned out to be tough, but I really enjoyed the process of creating a character. In the end I don’t think I captured the likeness…body proportions are off. Let me know what you think!
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Marcel Weiland
Boy that penguin head gave me trouble. Also, before you go and think I got Cheetos dust on my sketches…it’s pollen. From a wilting flower bouquet.
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Marcel Weiland
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Marcel Weiland
Camel! The hooves (do camels have hooves?) gave me some trouble. Overall though I like how it turned out. Feedback welcome!
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Marcel Weiland
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Marcel Weiland
Portrait! I gave this one a shot. Tell me what you see.
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Marcel Weiland
Pear#3! Focused more on values and shadow. I think it’s an improvement over the last two! I struggled to know which way to orient my shading lines to communicate more about the form, any tips on that would be appreciated.
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Marcel Weiland
Pear #2! This time I actually defined values, which seemed to help a bit. I at least like seeing them on the side there. Haha. First attempt was just with HB. This time 6B, 2B, HB, 4H.
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Luke Ng
More assignment drawings, All critiques are welcome!
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Marcel Weiland
This looks great! I’m really impressed by the values. As a beginner it’s really helpful for me to see such clearly defined values. That’s something I’ll take with me into the next assignment.
Marcel Weiland
Pear #1 Hey everyone! I’m brand new to drawing and in my early thirties, but I’m convinced that drawing is a skill that I can learn! I’ve always wanted to be able to go somewhere beautiful and draw a version of it to take home with me. I would appreciate any feedback you have for me! Looking forward to being part of the crew here.
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