maciek szczech
maciek szczech
Wald ZH, Schweiz
maciek szczech
#240528 Practice / study drawings. Small A5 size sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Refs. from Proko lessons - Pelvis and Pear and beautiful digital drawings of Proko user/artist Maria J Vargas-Spada.
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scott ford
Hey Maciek love the sketchbook , I feel I am a bit more disorganized than this but I love your concept above
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maciek szczech
Hi Scott, thank you. Just use as much of the available paper space as possible.
Art Stark
#240523 Messing around / study drawings. Odd Ends sketchbook. HB Koh-I-Noor lead holder. Some anatomical references and a wandering mind. Hope you don't mind me joining in, but this sketchbook thread looked like fun.
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maciek szczech
Great that you joined Art Stark. I didn't articulate it, but the idea behind it is that it's a general thread about sketchbooks. I think seeing someone's sketchbook is always a good reason to study/ learn something or appreciate that someone is keen to practice this rather "niche" drawing thing. I like the way how you change the subjects and the no straight lines approach. Looking forward to seeing more!
Nauhyam ST OMER
Hi. My name is Nauhyam. I've beem drawing for two years now ans I have improved a lot. Advice would be appreaciated
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maciek szczech
Thank you for participating. You are doing well. It's not necessarily a quick process and in a month, a year or a couple of years you'll see again how much you've improved. My only advice is to keep practising!
maciek szczech
#240518 Practice / study drawings. RSB sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Refs. Finch and Loomis.
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Art Stark
The multiple studies of the legs and the little boy is a great idea. I'm guessing the gal in the center of the page is after Loomis. You've really captured his subtle tonal shifts. The slim and big fellas from behind says so much with so little. I've never seen shadows handled like that. And the guy with the hammer makes me smile. Thanks for posting.
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maciek szczech
Thank you! I am not sure anymore, as I am a bit chaotic with refs. but the little boy is definitely after Loomis.
Gannon Beck
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maciek szczech
Nice one! Good idea with the thread. I am going to join sometime sketching perhaps family and our dog and cats or something else.
maciek szczech
Hi @cchapman3 I think marking the post with "help request" should be easier to note by professional artists. You have done a very good job. I would only mark Sartorius and Pelvis a little bit differently. Tried to design the model pose and marked torso on the original photo as I see it. Perhaps it would help a bit? I am sure you are way ahead with your studies compared with what i was doing in the past. Keep drawing!
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Art Stark
The first day I found myself going down the rabbit hole of 'measuring.' The next day I realized I had no idea where the eye line was — or the vanishing points. The third day I just couldn't face it. The fourth day I forgot which sketchbook it was in. Today I figured I'd just better finish it! Thanks for your patience.
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maciek szczech
Well done! I think, just from my point of view, that it would help to concentrate on the main shapes first and do a few such studies a few times until you decide to move on to the details. It may not look like it when you look at my drawings, but I always start from the main to the details...
Dave Malan was the second master I studied. I was drawn to his style by the deep contrast and the way he uses contour lines to create dynamic shapes. I wish I spent more time on my lay in (seeing them side by side is very eye opening 😂) but I also want to do a few of these studies so I’m trying to limit how long I spend. I might watch the demos and critique before attempting a couple more.
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maciek szczech
Dave is great. He was also one of the reasons I started drawing again. Note that Dave often exaggerates portraits, which is again great and I like it very much, but I think he came to this drawing decision with a very solid background. Back to your study, I am sure it will help you when you position your drawing over the original drawing and see where you can improve. Keep drawing!
oh shit i just forgot to put volume in between eye and noseeeee,,, i want to dieeee fooookkkkk,,,,,,,i did put black and white filter to get more details, this was frustrating as hell is shoes is level 1 kill me, maybe because i have made skull many times but for sure shoes was not level one.....
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maciek szczech
These studies are good, but repeating any study will benefit you.
maciek szczech
#240212 Practice / study drawings. RSB sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Various refs. among them Loomis, Woodward and Michael Hampton.
maciek szczech
240317 Sakura sketchbook. Mechanical pencil HB.
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maciek szczech
240316 Sakura sketchbook, Mechanical pencil HB.
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Nia Kovalevski
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maciek szczech
I like how the lines "flow", giving a sense of movement.
maciek szczech
240502 Continue study. Kind of mannequinization. Peper, pencil, kneaded eraser. What I have noticed is that the model neck is elongated and her hands are drawn a bit too much away from her face, but I will leave it as it is for now..
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maciek szczech
240430. Continue study. Kind of mannequinization. Paper, pencil, kneaded eraser. Ref. pinerest.
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Yoyo Wang
Would appreciate it if anyone can help with some critique on my practice~ thanks a lot!
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maciek szczech
These are great studies. I like how you drawn ellipses.
Portrait after watching critique!
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maciek szczech
All are good, but especially the last one. I like it.
maciek szczech
240428. Pelvis practice drawings. Notebook size B6 125x176mm (4.9x6.9"). HB Mechanical pencil.
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