Low Horvath
Low Horvath
Hello , I’m Lawrence but most people call me Low, I’m a Beginner artist trying to improve. Eventually would love to get into graphic novels
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Low Horvath
Followed along, I didn’t pause or slow down the video, more so I just want to be actively doing something while I watch these tutorials. But anyways, I learned today just how many different types of lines you can make. I’m not sure how to add them to my own. But I’m aware that it’s possible, that there’s hundreds of different types of lines out there.
Stefan Sharkov
Good first attempt. When I did my drawing, I paused during the video so I could catch up with Stan. I believe that approach could capture more intricacy in future attempts.
Low Horvath
Wanted to do an extra one before I watch the video and fix the mistakes I did on the actual assigned assignments , feel like I’m struggling a little with some of this , specifically the pelvis. if anyone has any suggestions, advice or criticisms I’d appreciate it :) Trying my best to learn. ( did this on my iPad and I’m not use to digital art , sorry about the messy lines)
Low Horvath
I think once I learn more about the pelvis and other areas it’ll start to make more sense to me.
Low Horvath
Why do you start the drawing with the pelvis ?
Low Horvath
Followed along cause I get bored otherwise. Was there an assignment for this one ?
Low Horvath
Here was my attempt at the assignment before I watch the video. But judging from the thumbnail for the video I don’t think I was too far off. I just didn’t get the hand right aside from the fingers being hinges. I’ll be drawing prokos version of it too just for practice.
Low Horvath
Took me until the end of the video to realize I had already kinda learned a little about the shading method of line weight. I could be wrong but I believe It was taught in the proko portrait course when we studied how to shade the ear. Separating cast and core shadows , it’s apart of shadow mapping.
Gene Plato
Starting again for various reasons. I found it hard to identify lighter value shapes.
Low Horvath
You need to Use all straights , you used a lot of curves and those are hard to judge and weren’t apart of the assignment. The right side of the pair has the most light in the photo , but you put half tones there instead You made the center light in the middle of the pear. You need to switch those around. Think about where the light is coming from ( top rightish) maybe the highlight confused you, highlights aren’t an indicator of where the light is , it’s more about where you’re standing. Highlights are in the center light though. I would also darken your darkest areas more. Lastly when you shade, it should be with the tip of the pencil , and the shading should wrap around the forms but still in straigts, no curves. You didn’t do bad tho, do it one more time , I think if you took my advice you’d be spot on ! Light values are hard
Low Horvath
Here’s the attempt before I watch the demo. Going to follow along to the demo best I can. And see how I can improve what I have. Also if anyone has any tips on taking photos of your art it would be appreciated, I have alot of trouble getting a straight on photograph. :/
The left side is my first attempt before the demonstration and I only had one pencil (just a regular #2 school pencil). The right side is after the demonstration and with a wooded graphite pencil set. I had a better time controlling the darker shades with the set because I was able to use a 6b for the darker blacks. I definitely had a harder time with the lighter shades because i wanted to press too hard down and they were coming out way too dark but I don't think it was too bad for my first time. Any critiques are welcome!
Low Horvath
I did the other pair image he had.
Low Horvath
I did one on my own. And then followed along to the demo ( I learn better when I follow along). And I’ll say there’s a lot for me to take out of this. What I need to work on - simplifying especially the lay in - accuracy - shading as a whole especially distinguishing shades and building up shades - keeping lines light. Any other suggestions or tips are welcomed. Unsure if I should draw the pear again. Or it Could help to do another fruit. Or if I should move on to the next lesson?
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