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Gene Plato
added comment inProject - Simplify from Observation
Asked for help
Starting again for various reasons. I found it hard to identify lighter value shapes.
Low Horvath
You need to Use all straights , you used a lot of curves and those are hard to judge and weren’t apart of the assignment. The right side of the pair has the most light in the photo , but you put half tones there instead You made the center light in the middle of the pear. You need to switch those around. Think about where the light is coming from ( top rightish) maybe the highlight confused you, highlights aren’t an indicator of where the light is , it’s more about where you’re standing. Highlights are in the center light though. I would also darken your darkest areas more. Lastly when you shade, it should be with the tip of the pencil , and the shading should wrap around the forms but still in straigts, no curves. You didn’t do bad tho, do it one more time , I think if you took my advice you’d be spot on ! Light values are hard
Tapered line practice. Also trying out new Koh-I-Noor woodless pencil.
How do you like the woodless pencil? I've been wanting to try them out, but haven't gotten to it yet. Is it smoother on paper than the regular graphite pencil?