Jen Trader-Morgeson
Jen Trader-Morgeson
Annapolis, MD
Activity Feed
Jen Trader-Morgeson
I thought my rhinos were pretty decent until this haha XD. I learn so much from these and the demo videos! Much more fun to be had learning and practicing.
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
For hierarchy I focused on contour, horns, mouth, ears, and eye. For shadow, well, hopefully that’s self explanatory!
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
Late this project but finally complete! This is before watching the demos. I must say… I really enjoyed sketching and avoiding the eraser, it’s not something I’ve done before and it’s SO much fun. It feels great to let loose, no pun intended. 😄
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Samantha Maggard
I have a question on the assignment. I'm I suppose to go more in the direction of Gestural drawing? I feel like this is the aim for this assignment. Don't worry about details get the energy. That's what I'm getting, correct? I just see a lot of people going into details.
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
Agreed, it looks like people are trying to have "clean" drawings and aren't doing loose, gestural lines.
Gene Plato
Tapered line practice. Also trying out new Koh-I-Noor woodless pencil.
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
Love these freeform designs!
Day 12, and 13. Simplfying to CSI, contour drawing, and inking. I just had a little fun over the weekend :D
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
Alien! Love this!
Jen Trader-Morgeson
I know zero about background shading and perspective, but here we go! 😄 Not perfect, but was fun to draw and much more challenging than I expected.
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
It's so great to see Stan do very human things like draw a shoelace into the wrong hole, or make one too thick and correct it. We can all relate! :)
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Level 1 assignment. The boots were very very hard. I had to do a lot of measuring and draw many construction lines. I have no idea how to simplify the laces and at this point, after spending several hours on this sketch, I just don't have it in me to try and draw them in all their detail. I am happy with how the boots came out though.
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who took hours! Thanks for sharing that. 😄 Nice job with proportions.
Glad I tackled this. I was pretty intimidated at first.
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Jen Trader-Morgeson
Same! Feels good to complete it. :)
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