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added comment inAny tips on painting accurate shading on complexly textured objects?
Hi, based on your ref I traced the dark pattens. Tha's how I would approach it: you already have the big shapes, I would mark the shadows inside and only them i would worry about the texture. I would paint the green under (that has a lighter value compared to the brown pattern) and then paint the brown over it. BUT ALWAYS considering the overall light/shadow planes. The green from the right is lighter than the green from the left. The same goes for the brown.
I think in your final you improved the light/shadow, but in the banana closest to us it was lost.
I hope this helps =D
Jan D.
Thats great! thanks Lili!:)
Yeah that's pretty much what i did. I had to lighten the banana a little in the front, might have gone a little too far maybe:D
The only thing when I was painting the brown parts of the pear it was blending with the green underneath a little more than I wanted. Should have waited for it to dry a little more I suppose. Something learned anyway!:) Sure gonna do more still life studies!
Hi, congrats for your first studies. They are the most difficult ones. Later you will get used to it and you will bocome bolder in your decisions. I think you did a nice job. It seems that you are really trying to find the main masses. As Ron said try to avoid shading, it distracts you from the exercise. Also, I would work more on the silhouettes shapes. Take your time to try make them read the best you can or make them interesting. You work your design skills that way. I hope it helps =D
Thanks for your feedback, I will switch to do this digitally to avoid shading.
Luke Ng
Asked for help
Here are some of my Mannequinization drawings. Looking for feedback on how to Simplify the shoulders in complex positions and general advice on improving my drawings
Hi, nice drawings. I especially liked how you stretched the pecs in your first image. For the shoulders I usually think of two rhythms. A bow for the clavicle (there is a img you made it super straight) and a curve for the trapezius on the back. Also I try to think of it as a box in perspective so everything can fall in the right place in space.
I know your focus are the shoulders, but the legs are sometimes too thin and twisting in a weird way. Observe your refs, they are not bending or twisting, it is a more fluid straight movement.
I hope it helps =D
Mc w
Asked for help
Hi everyone, did some more practice, i think i'm having issues with proportions and looking at the figure as a whole to make it flow better and with less strokes (kinda messy) any tips on doing cleaner lines or making the figure flow better would be really appreciated! :)
Hi, I really liked your drawings. I'm just guessing, but it seems like you love details. Perhaps in some of your drawings you lost a bit of balance and placements because you rushed into details and contours. My advice is to try to imagine yourself in the pose, empathize with the model, imagine where most of your weight would be on your left leg? Both? arms? How would you balance yourself so you don't fall? Also, I think you could use more perspective, like overlaps (between ribcage and pelvis and to show foreshortening) and analyze what is the real depth distance between the legs and arms. When you relate one leg to another in space it gives a bigger sense of reality to it. I hope it helps =D
Asked for help
Hey, I just wanted to share my 3value studies, if anyone has any tips or advice, I am super interested in hearing =D
Another great batch of studies @Lili! There were a few images I found on the left side where I think you could have simplified more, darkened the values a bit, and grouped the value shapes into bigger areas. I think zooming out while doing these can help with some of the value issues you may be running into. Some people recommend squinting, and I do that sometimes as well, however I find it more tiring haha.
On a side note, I had never heard of Tibor Nagy before this, but I can totally see where Zac Retz gets his style from now lol
Great work!
Here's another one I did. It took me about 30 mins though. I should definitely try to speed things up. Thanks everyone for your help, I'll keep updating this thread with new studies when I do them. (the aim is 100s as @Luigi Manese suggested, haha)
Hi, I liked your written analises, but I think you got a bit lost in detail. I would suggest more attention to the shapes and simplification. Also the proportioins and placement of the soldiers are a bit off. I played a little with your painting to simplify and make the soldiers pop more. I don't know if you tried this exercise before. For what I've tried, it is best to start with only two values, then tree and then five. Hope this helps =D
Hey, this is actually very useful. Thanks a lot! Yes, I noticed the soldiers were a bit off later on. Thanks for the paintover, I was debating which value to use for the backdrop.
I have never attempted this exercise before, this was my first try, I will use fewer values and then go over to 5.
I have one more question, as you can see my horses don't exactly correspond to the image, especially the 2nd (from the left) rider and his horse. How do you think I should simplify these complex objects? I haven't tried sketching them out yet, I mostly only use brush and erase tool to create my shapes.
Hi, I'm considering buying this bundle, but it says the course is in progress. Do I have to pay extra money for the future courses(of Anatomy of the Human Body)?
Hi, the course is almost complete. I believe the only thing left are the pdfs from the leg and foot muscles. But Proko won't charge anything more for this.
Asked for help
Hi, I did these 2 value studies a couple of months ago. I watched Zac Retz video about value studies and now I am doing the 3 value study. I will post them as soon as I finish. Any thoughts about how to improve these? I do feel that learned a lot, but since I don't have someone to ask for feedback, I am not sure if I am doing it right >.<
Hi @Lili, sorry I couldn't get to this sooner but most of these look great! There is a section with a lot of environments in the middle of the first page you uploaded, and I think that is where you may have run into the most issues. Because of the atmospheric perspective in these paintings, most of the details in the background is going to be simplified to one value. Additionally, the details in the foreground should be grouped together well.
If you're ever in doubt, shrink your image so that the paintings are literally the size of one of your fingernails. You'll be able to more clearly see the graphic break-up of these images.
In general, the point of this exercise was to simplify these paintings so that you have large, organized groups of values. The area that I pointed out seems to be the only place where you may have run into a few issues. The rest look great. Keep it up!