wife, mother of 2 teenagers, born in the 70s, nurse, booklover, loves to experiment, eager to learn new things.
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Inspired by the video I searched for Roberto de la Torre and found this horse … below you can see the original and my raggedy version 😂
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I love this project! Especially when studying Heinrich Kley I was amazed how seemingly „messy“ the lines are, but still look so great and lively when seen in the whole picture. What he does is far from what I learned about hatching (mostly from the book by Alphonso Dunn). Sorry, I lack the words to express what I mean, I hope you get it anyway.
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I thought about skipping this one because I had so many early shifts this month and could not motivate myself to start... Found time today and it was actually fun! Cannot wait for perspective to happen!
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as for my level 2 project: I'm struggling. I have something in my mind but after so many attempts to catch it on paper, it still won't come out the way I want it.... I'll keep trying, though.
This was fun! I included a picture of my "warm-up table" in case anyone is interested. I have a roll of paper (probably used for a plotter once .. Idk), the paper roll rests on the floor, paper comes up between table and wall, covers the table and is attached at the front with two of those things you can use to fix tablecloths to tables on a windy day. This fixes two problems for me: lots of space while not spoiling "good" paper for warm-ups and keeping the tabletop clean. Also it forces me to practise different angles since I cannot rotate the paper.
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A very cross raven. Next post will be my preliminary sketches and reference pictures
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The three-in-one-page is mine. The other two are from my daughter. I‘m totally stunned by her ability to capture the proportions although she never really did something like this before
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Don’t know which day it is, I can’t draw continuously anyway because of my shifts at work. This was supposed to be CSI … when I came out of my flow, I saw this …
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Got a wooden puzzle for my birthday and just wanted to do the outline to practice CS(I) … then I I got abit carried away by all the ornamental stuff. I could just keep going and still find new lines to draw. I don’t like the belly though, looks somewhat like a hole
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Not from life, I must admit. But honestly? That facial expression needed understanding 😂
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My first attempt to post this appeared double, when I deleted one, the other disappeared, too. Level one and two, done one a day (so this counts for 4 days in the challenge I think). I started with the snail, then boots and skull and I did the camel last. I still struggle with simplification (not with the snail), and it feels really weird to leave out values and shadows.
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