Lynn Fang
Lynn Fang
Game artist, character concept artist. Hi guys, English isn't my mother tongue. If I made any mistakes, pls correct me. Thanks a lot!
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Florian Haeckh
Disclaimer: did them while watching Proko's critique video and they took longer than 5 min. But still wanted to share them in the hopes of getting feedback. Cheers :)
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Lynn Fang
I envy your control of the value, good proportion, good structure! Thanks for sharing.
Lynn Fang
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I also took Figure Drawing Fundamentals course and halfway there on and off. I haven't practiced gestures in a while and I'm rusty... I did these assignments slowly and got bogged down in details. I thought about it a lot, and guessed it's because without adding some details, I felt hard to make my sketches looked 3D and solid.
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Lynn Fang
If there are more detailed courses on improving shape design and composition, I will definitely sign up.
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Lynn Fang
Before I watched this demo video, I really didn't know how to draw some seal lions' photos. They are cute but lack of details. So I picked some a little more complex ones to draw, thinking they are easier to handle. Now I have more ideas. Thank you! These two photos below are the most simplified and hard to draw I ever thought.
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Lynn Fang
Gradually, I feel like I am not being a camera any longer, when I draw from observing. Learn from Stan!
Florian Haeckh
8 from ref and 4 without ref. great exercise. I hope I can translate that to anatomy-studies.
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Lynn Fang
Love the structure, the four designs .
Lynn Fang
My level 1 and 2 assignments. It's hard to tell a seal from a sea lion.= = Seals more cute?
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Lynn Fang
Did another four after watching the demo.
Samantha Maggard
Just a thought...but I've seen people that can draw amazing doing digital, but when they draw on paper it doesn't look nearly as good. Is there an advantage to learning to draw on paper first? With digital it seems like you don't have to worry as much about pressure, because you can just hit the undo button. That eyes too big...I'll just resize it. That looks so messy...I can just fade the lines and draw over it. Thoughts?
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Lynn Fang
Yeah, digital works are easier to fix. So we tend to think it's easier to handle and more efficient. At least according to those who are more familiar with digital painting than paper painting, like me. Here is my little experiment. Yesterday I wanted to finish the assignment quickly, so I did it in digital. Today, I wanted to put some new ideas into practice, I drew several same seals, but on paper. To my surprise, I spent much less time than yesterday, almost one third or less, but same effect. One reason is ,I couldn't fix them over and over again like in digital. Another one is, one pencil stroke got more details than a digital one. On my opinion, as learning drawing, on paper is more efficient, especially on developing good drawing habits. As work, such as design, which needs frequent modification, doing in digital is more suitable.
Lynn Fang
This is an attempt to observe proportions only using my eyes (which is how I get used to do). I find I tend to draw things wider when eyeballing. It's good to do this practice after last assignment. I feel I can get a more efficient and accurate proportion measurement by adjusting the ratio using both methods. Thank you Stan!
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Lynn Fang
Thank you Stan! Your critiques help me a lot! This time I tried to measure the big shapes, and eyeballing the rest details. And I feel more free and calm in these two new practices.(Also quicker then before) Thank you for taking my nerves away. Btw I used a Transparent ruler instead of a pencil to measure this time.
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Lynn Fang
From left to right, are my three attempts. I struggled too much, since I get used to rely on eyeballing to measure something( It isn't precise. I use Ctrl+T to adjust my drawings in Photoshop ). Also I am troubled by "tunnel vision". So I tried to measure in the same way as Stan  taught in the lesson, using pencil to measure. BTW, I spent lots of time on each one, 3-4 hours average or more, I believe. Maybe it was perfectionism, which made me feel bad while drawing. Critiques appreciate.
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