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Justin ONeill
added comment inDay 10 - Sorcerers - 12 Days of Proko
Having a go at line and Colour which I haven’t done before. It was really fun but boy there are a lot of layers. Lots of new things in this image for me, like fur and layer effects. So fun! I’ll definitely try this again, and can recommend it to shake things up. :)
Kids are unwell so was only able to get in some time for a couple. Really fun, thanks Stan and team!
Hey, @Justin ONeill! Have you been able to check out Marshall's 1994 perspective lectures? He makes them available at his website for U$12,00: It's a modest production, but the content is gold - I know I learned a lot when I studied these lessons a few years ago. If you feel like digging into basic-to-intermediate perspective concepts and techniques, I'd highly recommend it - at least for now, while his course here at Proko isn't out yet. :)
It's still in the works. I can't give an ETA myself but I know he's been hard at work with it and believe he finished up a student feedback round not too long ago.
Anyone know if this is still in the works, and if so, has a rough eta been mentioned anywhere?
Grace Mounce
Asked for help
Hi everyone! I just finished my structure assignments. Here are my boxes/cylinders from imagination and constructed animals. Might I ask you all for some critique?
I hope you're having a great spring day!
Grace Mounce
(ps: I apologize for the poor image quality. I'll try to brush up on how to take better photos of my work.)
Hi Grace, amazing work! Perspective is great. Making sure lines at the back of the forms are a bit lighter can help them to read a bit better. For the animals I’m really having to get nit picky to find things, but I feel like the form of the gorillas head and face could be better defined. For your horse, the front right foreleg is a bit hard to read, and the rear hooves would be flat on the ground to support this gesture. (Horses are heavy!) Your pig is the most adorable thing ever! Great stuff!
Asked for help
here are my assignments for repetition sorry guys, i have to printscreen my assignments bc when i export, the files are always over 10MB, idk how to make it lighter, if u guys know plz help me
If you export as a jpeg, at about 80% and 800 pixels wide, should be much smaller with enough clarity to be uploaded here. Hope that helps!
Suenghee Alliman
Asked for help
My file sizes were a bit too big so I had to compress them a little? Hope it still reads okay!
This was really challenging, since I've never been very good at color, but I really enjoyed it.
A persimmon & a bae (korean pear). :') The pear came out a bit muddy and choosing white as the background in the original image was a bad move, but gotta live & learn.
These look great! I especially like persimmon #3. The shape on the shadow side really sells it. For your baes, have they already been flattened to a single layer? If your not sure of the bg could you try a few variations just for fun to see what you like more?
Justin ONeill
Asked for help
Here are my apples. I really enjoyed this exercise as I’m pretty new to digital painting. I think they’re maybe too saturated, and I’m not really sure which edges should be soft vs hard. Any advice extremely welcome. The last “love heart” apple was a request from my 6yo daughter and it was kinda fun trying to work out how to do a smoky stem. I’m sure there are better ways but fun anyway.
Going to be posting everyday, please any feedback will be appreciated. These are mainly 30 secs. since I am trying to look past the contours, which has been difficult thus far, but I want to get better.
These look great! Since you asked for help I’d suggest proko’s video on line quality/confidence. But when I look at your gestures I can recognize which image they are from, so good job!