Juan Carlos Sanchez
Juan Carlos Sanchez
30's from Peru trying to learn to draw
Activity Feed
Melanie Scearce
Try to find a Z in action poses to create anticipation -- the sense that there is about to be movement. Think about the limbs as growing out of the center point. Find rhythmic ways to connect each part moving outwards.
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Thanks, those arrows are very helpful!
Rachel Dawn Owens
@Juan Carlos Sanchez I couldn’t reply on your originals post for some reason, so I’ve started a new one. Your gesture drawing is looking awesome. This is a tough pose but you got it. I love the tapered marks. I might turn the gesture of the leg the other way. It will flow better with the rest of the gesture. You can echo that same curves on the opposite arm too. Overall, great job. Keep it up!
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi Rachel, tyvm. I didn't see the flow of the leg.
John B
How much time did you give yourself for this gesture? From what I can tell, you're spending too much time trying to outline the figure here. There's lots of scratchy lines rather than long flowing lines indicating you're really focused on trying to get the proportions right. I would try to do this pose 2 or 3 more times but this time commit to your lines instead of going back through and trying to make them perfect. I would also set a strict time limit so you avoid thinking about adding details. Hope this helps :)
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi, thanks for the reply! I didn't have a strict time for this. Yes, I tried to balance proportions and gesture when I did this. Proportions were really off at the start and I had to erase many times, especially for the hips and legs. Well..I also tried to consider flowing shapes like in the arms, but I had problems finding flowing shapes for the rest of the pose xD.
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi guys, what do you think about this gesture. I found it difficult to find rythms and flow in this pose, specially in the legs, I think.
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi guys, do you think this methods works for life drawing too?
I've used these methods in past life drawing scenarios and it does help. Especially when drawing buildings(because they are stationary and dont move, so you have a lot more time to observe and measure and look for relations). But this can also be done with people, animals, or whatever else in life.
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi, what do you mean by linear drawing? So, no shading? or to make shades or tones with lines? ty
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi, I can't see an assingment tab in this lesson.
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi, I was wondering if the course have english subtitles. It is a little hard for me to understand some words because english is not my native language.
Patrick Jones
Unfortunately not, Juan. I will look into it in the future.
hi, I feel you being too contour focused is the fact you use the gesture line as your spine. You have to realize that gesture lines are not an anatomy representation but a depiction of movement from the pose. You can see in the reference his weight is shifting towards his left side while yours the weight is still in the middle. The best way to visualize this is to think of the body as a line and where the weight is shifting towards. An example would be if I rotate my upper body towards the right, my lower body will move towards the left even if its very subtle just to balance the pose. Every pose will have the element of balancing in it unless its intentionally unbalance (ie. falling poses or poses that the body is supported by something else). Once u discover the main gesture line, you can trying finding out the gesture lines for the other parts of the body, for this reference its the arms and the right leg. Hope this will help :)
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Ok, Thanks !
Juan Carlos Sanchez
Hi, any tips for drawing this gesture? I feel is too contour focused. This is from the first part of figure drawing course. I have not seen to much of 3d forms yet. Thank you.
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