I like to draw!
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Been doing these gesture drawings for 2 months daily almost every day, showing an update here. First image is April 29th and 2nd image is May 29th, I think I have gotten better at doing more curvy expressive lines in my 30 sec exercises (middle row), really trying to keep CSI in mind, and better construction after doing the bean studies in my 2 minute ones, any feedback is appreciated, I'm about to enter the Landmarks part of the course and I want to know if I'm ready for it yet or not.
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Hello! Before purchasing the course, do you think this course would be better to be taken before stan's portrait drawing course? Since it's more about learning the forms first?
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John B
Thanks for the suggestion! I've forwarded these notes to our dev team so they can review them. I think some of these features would be great to implement.
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Thank you! Glad to hear! :D
My try at all the tasks Level 1 to Level 2, before watching the demo, any feedback is appreciated!
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Some constructions after watching the critique video, I think I'm getting the hang of it but sometimes I struggle about knowing when to use a round shape or a box to simplify the forms and connecting them together in a cohesive way, any feedback is appreciated!
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This was really fun to do! I feel I learned a lot from doing this exercise, my first one with the bunny might be the worst one lol, but I could feel getting better with each one as I understood better what I was looking for, attached the reference picture for each, I did this before watching the critique video, I saw it now and I think my next ones will be much better even, any feedback is appreciated!
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Bean foreshortening studies, did my try then saw stan's and fixed accordingly, feedback appreciated!
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Bean Twist studies, saw the video, did my interpretation of the bean, then saw stan and did a new one accordingly, some beans have many tries before seeing stan's demo, feedback appreciated!
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Just got the pack! Really looking forward to put them to use, I really appreciate that you put videos to show how to use them, I think that's something I wish more brush packs had, I understand the idea of letting the user figure out how to use some of the brushes by themselves and that path of discovery can be good learning, but I do like being able to know what are the strenghts of each brush in their proper context!
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Lucas Peinador
I always struggle with backgrounds... So I end up painting my characters over blurry skies all the time. But anyway, here is a fanart of one of my fav DC girls. Starfire.
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This looks stunning! Love this kind of background honestly, these kind of semi abstract environments add a dreamy, even ethereal feel to it along with the purple colors you used!
Haven't seen the demo, did the snail in a full page and did a sort of smaller thumbnail sized drawing of the boots, I will draw a bigger image for the boots next and then do the level 2 images before seeing the demo.
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Did the beans following the video, did the exercise two times, image 1-4 is my first try, images 5-8 is my second try, following the video I paused each pose, did the bean, then looked at Stans example after and corrected it in a different drawing next mine (C), then started the video again and tried all the beans myself one more time, followed by Stan's example and fixing what I thought I did wrong. One of my biggest mistakes is I noticed is that I tend to do the ovals too long, tried to fix that in the second attempt, also I'm still getting used to the overhand grip so my lines can get messy, still trying to improve on that, and finally I notice that one of my errors is not pushing the pose enough with the beans, something I tried to amend in the second try as well, I think overall the second try was an improvement, I have to be conscious about my bad habits to fix them in following excercises. Any feedback is appreciated!
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Very good learning I got from this, but I got a bit of confusion as well, I followed the video, paused, did the bean myself, then saw Stan do his' and I did a corrected version if mine was too off (C), in the case of the leaning woman at 19:41, I though his initial solution was correct, the "answer" looks strange to me, following the logic of the corners closer to use will overlap over the corners farther from us, the answer doesn't quite make sense to me, (woman's shoulder is coming towards us so it should in theory overlap), I wish stan explained why the "answer" was correct so I could understand it better, if anyone has the explanation they could share, I would really appreciate it, also feedback on my beans :P!
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I got carried away... :D My warmup will definitely be more fun in the future
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These are great! I love how creative you got with the shapes to practice with, these little characters are adorable!
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Day 8 of mushroom warmups, still getting used to it, my arm starts to feel weak after a while, I'm trying to be conscious about my arm movements, but I think I meed to slow down a bit too before putting the strokes down and think, I fond myself holding the pen too tightly it leaves a mark in my fingers, I'm trying to have a more relaxed grip and develop that muscle memory!
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50 thirty second beans using the proko image sets, pretty useful! Been doing this for like a week now and I think I'm getting the hang of it! I feel I could probably try exaggerating more and I might be playing it too safe, will try doing that next time! Any feedback is appreciated :)!
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50 thirty second figure drawings, changed from my tripod grip to my overhand grip, still getting used to it, couldn't finish some of them because I feel my brain is still getting used to the new grip, any feedback is appreciated!
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10 two minutes figures, I switched to the overhand grip to get more curvy lines, I normally draw with the tripod grip, still getting used to it, any feedback is appreciated!
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I've watched some proko videos related to gesture before but this is my first time doing the course, my goal is to improve, been stagnant for too long haha, I did a 20 minute session of 30 sec poses and a 20 minute session for 2 minutes poses, my first thing I notice is that I tend to go over lines a bit too much, specially on the 2 minute poses, also,I want to ask, what is the most recommended study time for daily gesture drawing? If there is, I'm looking to improve my practice time, feedback is appreciated!
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Hi all! I just signed up for this course. Here’s my first crack at the first assignment, done digitally using Procreate with an Apple Pencil. Simplifying the shapes and values was a unique challenge—I really had to resist the urge to smooth out my shadows. :D
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Very good work separating all the values! It's clean and easy to see all 5 of them, only thing I'd suggest is that when you fill the value try doing it with closer and slower strokes to fill a bit of the empty lighter spots within the values themselves, besides that you're doing good!
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