James Doane
James Doane
Lifetime artist with recent focus on digital portraits and figures. Interested in developing the skill to paint figures from imagination.
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James Doane
Looks like you have the right idea. Your vanishing points seem too close together which is causing distortion, but this is a good way to practice perspective.
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James Doane
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Harmony Steel
It’s beautiful @James Doane very expressive!
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James Doane
Sketcher Ameya
Awesome . You are having your own art stylr
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James Doane
James Doane
You just need to do a lot of different experiments trying different styles until you start to find what fits you the best. Though I believe I have found the style that works best for me, I still do some experiments trying new things. It takes time, but that is the only way to really find your style.
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Yiming Wu
I like the twisted volume :D Also it looks liks a street wall painting.
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James Doane
this is really nice i love the lighting 🤗👌✌
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James Doane
James Doane
Here are photos of my WIP and finished digital figure painting done in Photoshop.
James Doane
Nice work! I think his right side of the face seems flat, so that eye just seems to be floating on the surface rather than pushed into the skull. I would think some darker shadow above the eye may help resolve that... not sure.
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woe!!!!!😲 i love this i would hang this up on a wall in a million dollar house for sure.😉✌
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James Doane
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