Minnesota, USA
Non-traditional (i.e. mid-40s, post college) student, finally learning to draw
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This is a really helpful approach, thanks Stan!
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Crystal Blue  (she/her)
Good work here! I like how you clearly put thought into designing your shadow shapes and have your hatching follow the contour of the form. I would focus on making sure your figures are balanced. Pay attention to where the center of gravity is with relation to the feet, right now it looks like your subject might fall backwards. Here is a video on balance that I found helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLBhO-4YEww&t=0s I also think you can work on the neck and shoulders. Notice how the neck curves up into the head. I'd also pay attention to the foreshortening on the arm on the left, right now it just looks a little long. Overall, good work! keep it up :)
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Thanks! I appreciate the feedback! I'll take a look at the video. I was trying to follow the reference image as best as I could, but I still have a lot of difficulty with proportion. Slowly improving, but it's a tough road :-D
I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm working on the Drawing Basics course here as a main priority, but have dabbled with a few other smaller courses at Proko when I didn't have any other assignments for the fundamentals course. Recently I started working through the self-study syllabus created by Kristian Nee, which has a thorough (multi-year!) course plan for self study. So far I've found it really helpful! I've attached the full syllabus (it's a super long image file) in case you want to use it also. (Credit: Kristian Nee)
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In terms of background on this, I'm working through the drawing fundamental course here on Proko, but also going through Kristian Nee's self-study syllabus for drawing, which begins with figure drawing. I've been working on breaking down figures into forms and trying to get proportions correct (it's a big weakness for me at the moment). I also really enjoy pen and ink drawings, so I was working on hatching with pen afterward since this was just a spur-of-the-moment practice drawing anyway.
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I was working on breaking down figures into forms and got carried away and decided to work on inking once the pencil drawing was completed. Curious about any feedback you might have regarding the figure aspect, proportions, inking or anything else? I’m still very much a beginner so any advice/pointers are helpful! Thank you!
Woo hoo! I got chosen for a critique! :-D My first one! You're right about the ellipses. I didn't fully understand the skew of the ellipses until after I had submitted the assignment, so that's on me. I'll improve them in the future assignments. Thanks Stan!
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Dad, I'm still not clear on the ellipse's axis. I'm assuming we can't just make one up or guess it huh?
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Check my post on the previous video, I posted a screenshot from another resource that might help!
For those confused about the whole ellipse axes being off from proper center, etc, like I was, this graphic helped me a ton (original source: https://youtu.be/HohAkp5xKC4?si=oPLUl6dsSf9qYlsu&t=27)
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Here’s my first attempt at this assignment, it’s a Trabant. Because the lighting is not great in the photo of my physical pencil drawing, I decided to retrace it in Procreate as well. Hopefully it makes my intended lines a bit clearer. (Still working on my manual line quality :-/ )
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Here are the references I used, from eBay and Wikipedia, respectively
loes roos
I never before learnt before about this weird way that the long axis does not need to be in the middel and that the short ellipse axis goes parallel to the vanishing point... very cool!!! But it does work... I will need to experiment with that! And that only with a perfect circle both axes are through the center and are equal... very interesting!
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I'm still completely lost with that bit and didn't understand it at all unfortunately :(
Seriously loving this series. I've gotten so much out of this course, thank you again for creating it!
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John B
My understanding from Stan is that we're about half way through the course right now. As for intermediate courses, there's actually intermediate projects within the course that you can tackle if you're done with beginner projects. We've also got the perspective course in the works that we hope to release in the later part of 2024 for presale. Beyond that I would look at Stan's figure drawing fundamental course. Hope this helps!
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Oh nice! I didn't realize we were only about halfway, that's fantastic! Thanks John, that's good info!
added a new topic
Intermediate course?
I was just curious if there was a plan to have an intermediate-level course once the "Drawing Basics" course was complete? I have a feeling that the Drawing Basics course will likely come to a close soon and was wondering if there was going to be a "next step" comprehensive course following up on that one? Thanks!
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So here are my submissions for the pre-meeting assignments given. I’ve not yet included a finished drawing. I’m still new to drawing (I’m currently a level 1 student in Stan’s drawing basics course), but I thought I’d give it a try just the same. The Kley drawing I used for the gesture and analytical exercises was “Die Schleppe” (included here for reference). I also included two reverie drawings: a dog jumping onto a table and a horse rearing. Thanks! :)
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Here’s my attempt at the level 1 assignment:
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Really excited for this course! I really enjoy Kley's work and I love Marshall (of course), so when I saw this come available at Proko, it was a no brainer to purchase!
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Steve Lenze
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Thanks Steve! :)
I wanted to show some progress and give thanks to Stan and the other great people at Proko for their excellent courses. A year ago, when I first started seriously learning to draw, my daughter asked me to illustrate a character she created for a school story she wrote. Today, I saw a video about the legend of the Minotaur and decided to draw one for fun. I'm still nowhere near an expert, but I feel like the progress between the two pictures attached is pretty clear. After working through the assignments for the drawing basics course (and some other studying on the side), I can see really significant results. Thank you again Stan and co for everything and I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can in the future! :)
Thanks Stan, this was really helpful. I had a lot of difficulty trying the assignment at first, but watching you in this video and seeing the relationships with the grid helped me a lot. I'm going to go back and try a few of the thumbnail versions for a bit before tackling the big one again.
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