Jacob Ibáñez
Jacob Ibáñez
Barcelona, Spain
Activity Feed
Jacob Ibáñez
This is a nice warm up, and this is my first attempt at drawing witha ballpoint pen. Turns out it's quite a flexible tool! And I don't usually use the eraser with my pencils, so I don't miss it😅😅
This is so cool! I love the building in the back. It's a nice touch :) Btw, I don't see any grids. Were you able to eyeball everything?
Jacob Ibáñez
This 2 points perspective thingy for stacking books is so cool! I just did a quick warmup to put it into test and the result is quite nice!
Jacob Ibáñez
So here is my assignment of light weights! I love how the line weight alone adds a lot to the volume of the drawing! unbelievable!
Hierarchy: I'd liek to see some variety inside of the rhino I'd say the face is more important than the wrinkles on the back. You can add variety by for example making the lines on the back lighter in value and darker in the face. Light and Shadow: I know there is shadow on the back of the rhino but the line weight of those lines competes with lines in the face. Again I would use thicker but lighter lines to show heavier line weight without competing with the strong shadows in the face
Bruno Martínez
I'M Spanish, I don't understand well English, but I'm lovely with this challenging, I have enjoyable time doing this lays using timer, 12 minutes every drawing, thanks Proko
Jacob Ibáñez
oye, muy bien! El primero me gusta mucho, la elección de líneas más fuertes y más flojas está escogida con muy buen gusto y los volúmenes se ven muy claros! ole!
Jacob Ibáñez
So I watched a couple of videos on gesture drawing and tried some 2min sketches more. I also did a couple of 10min drawings and I must say I'm much more happy with the results.
Bruno Martínez
Muy chulos, rápidos, proporcionados y sintetizados
Jacob Ibáñez
2 min sketches. I hate every inch of every sketch. They are lifeless and boring and I feel stuck here 😭😭😭
Naphtali Anderson
Don’t beat yourself up bud, I did some 2-min sketches that I wasn’t all excited about but remember this is a process… also it may help to set an intention when you sit down, for example today I mainly tried to capture the line of action and major shapes like head direction torso and hips… I barely did anything with the arms or legs except a line or two to signify that they are there … keep working at it, hope that helps
Gannon Beck
Everyone does drawings they're not happy with, and even has days where it just doesn't seem to click. That said, I looked through your albums and I think you're on the right track. You're in the Drawing Basics course (me too!), which I think is the perfect place to be to hone foundational skills. Another thing I would like to point out, is that you can treat your first marks on paper as only a draft. In the same way that the secret to good writing is rewriting, sometimes the secret to good drawing is redrawing. While drafts can be improved by doing subsequent drafts, it's the art of showing up that you're mastering by continuing to put pencil to paper, so good job! Lastly, these drawings aren't as bad as you think. Keep going!
Antti Kallinen
You will probably need to slow down, so you can try to be more accurate/get more volyme. At least i need to have enough time or be in a flow to make ok figure drawings. Also try charcoal, or some thicker medium, for fun and it can give you something other than chasing lines/outlines? keep on going, if you arent happy, throw it somewhere you cant see it and do more :D
Linus Lehmann
I think the most important thing for you would be to draw simple volumes instead of outlines. It would be very helpful to come up with some very simple volumes that represent the body parts, (I use tubes for legs, egg shape or box for ribcage, tubes for arms egg for head). And of course it takes some practice to see and execute these volumes fast. David Finch has a great youtube video called Gesture drawing tips, I would recommend to watch that.
Do not worry. Just trust the process of practicing. Study artists you like and study fields you feel weakness. With every drawing try to incorporate some things you studied.
Hey Jacob, don't despair! I know how you feel - I'm doing today's sketches just now and struggling too. I find that 2 min is way too short for me to be able to show any body parts and I stress out. Maybe you need to have more experience to be able to do that? At 2 min, all I can do is draw a couple of 'line of action' lines, basically ribbon-like stick figures. 5min is better for me, I know I have enough time to analyze what I'm looking at and try to put down deliberate marks. Maybe try that?
Jacob Ibáñez
These are my 3 minutes sketches. The woman model with very short hair that's been appearing in some other bundles... she is SO beautiful, but I ALWAYS ruin her. I also love the old man model, he has a very elastic and funny face!
mac hewitt
Hey, I really enjoyed these exercises. The first sketch I did was 5 mins and was a bit bland. As I did more, I loosened up and started to exaggerate more and more. For the long drawing I wanted to tackle the first attempt I did. I finished it within 15 mins then brought it into procreate to color.
Jacob Ibáñez
pal, your lines are SO beautiful!! I'm jelous!!
Jacob Ibáñez
These are my 5 minutes gestures. I did them in a A5 sketchbook, holding it in my lap, which was pretty difficult to keep stable, to be honest 😅 I would appreciate some tips on them! thanks!
Ballpoint pen, 20mins each. Perspective is one of the basic things here (Contour lines help to place the forms in space) Then understanding of form, especially planes✍️ Through study I discovered that Armour plates are basically transformation of planes. It's also interesting how there are no folds due to the hardness of the material
Jacob Ibáñez
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