Ihori Kobayashi
Ihori Kobayashi
Ihori Kobayashi
I tried to do Level 1 in the difficulty knob, but drawing an imaginary character was too difficult for me, and I ended up drawing a yoga pose out of my memory, which was more comfortable for me as I like yoga. But I tried to get out of my comfort zone by drawing this little guy trying to kick and punch for my second attempt to do the Level 1 practice. It was challenging to draw foreshortened limbs, but it was a fun exercise.
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Ihori Kobayashi
Cross contour helped me think and see the reference object 3 dimensional and made me aware of plane changes. I had some difficulties figuring out plane changes in some parts, especially the flippers of sea lions.
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Ihori Kobayashi
As watching the demo and critique videos, I practiced more blobs. I am slowing improving in finding right box rotations, but it takes me several trial and errors before I got it right. So when finally I found the rotations and positions of the boxes, they are often shifted from original blobs.
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Ihori Kobayashi
Drawing blobs helped figuring out rotations of boxes for me and made it fun! I struggled with the second picture in figuing out the rotation of the pelvis box.
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Ihori Kobayashi
This assignment was difficult for me. I followed Stan's instructions, but the ellipses I drew always ended up looking warped.
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Ihori Kobayashi
It took me very long to draw each hand. I struggled with getting right rotations of boxes and determining which directions the lines are converging.
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Ihori Kobayashi
While watching the Level 2 demo and Critique videos, I tried the Level 2 project. When I see these pictures, I notice that they look less three-dimensional than how they look on paper. 
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Ihori Kobayashi
My first batch of Level 1 practice. I overlayed drawings using PowerPoint. I had difficulty in capturing right angles of the direction of the faces in many pictures.  
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Ihori Kobayashi
This is a simplified drawing of my office. I thought it was simple enough, but it took me so long to figure out the position of each line using X-ray vision. I need more practice drawing straight lines.
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Ihori Kobayashi
My first try. Drawing straight lines was more difficult than I expected. I tried to make it like the viewer was standing in the kitchen.
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Ihori Kobayashi
The second batch of practice I drew while watching Stan's Lave 1 Demo. Two of them were drawn with an overhand grip. I took too long (~30 minutes, even longer with an overhand grip) to draw each figure. I need to be able to draw faster.
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Ihori Kobayashi
My first batch of rhythm practice. I started practicing the overhand grip. The first one (most right-side picture), the third one (the middle), and the last (most left side) were drawn using the overhand grip (although I switched to the regular grip in the middle of drawing the 1st one as I got very frustrated). The line quality was clearly worse for those drawings. For the 4th drawing (second from the left), I struggled with capturing the gesture of the pushed-forward chest and pulled-back hip. Any critique/advice will be appreciated.
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A couple of attempts I did before looking at the demo's. I feel like I want to practice more and more and more gestures. But I also want to catch up on where the course is live now. The struggle is real!! Anyway.. my own critique on my drawing. - I have to get back into line quality. Thick and thin lines are now total random to a point where it hurts my drawings. - I'm practicing more confident lines, but there is still plenty yo learn looking at these. I love working with the charcoal pencil I was using for these studies. The coarse brown papers is nice, but I'm not sure it's ideal and also a little too small (A5). - I get distracted by details, and when I get back into these, I need to focus on the flow and gesture first, without putting in those calves, bumps, rolls etc etc. :) Still having a good time and looking forward to every drawing session!
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Ihori Kobayashi
I hear you Lisanne! I also have the same dilemma as yours, more practice vs. moving forward to catch up.
Ihori Kobayashi
I enjoyed practicing gestures by drawing those seals so much that I drew all 40 references. These are the last batch of practices. I need to continue to work on the line quality. But through this practice, I got a little better at drawing using the entire arm rather than just the hand.
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Ihori Kobayashi
Did additional practices as I watched the demo. I tried to include some subtle exaggerations, but they did not look enough.
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Ihori Kobayashi
My first five practices. I had to carefully watch myself not to draw contours instead of gesture lines. I caught myself many times writing contours... But differentiating contours and gestures was difficult.
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Ihori Kobayashi
Additional five practices. I can see more clear gestures in some sea lion pictures, but figuring out gesture lines are more difficult for some others.
Ihori Kobayashi
Eyeballing was more difficult than measuring everything, especially when the sizes of the reference and the paper were very different. The reference was displayed on my 13-inch laptop computer, and I used 14 x 17 paper. Although I tried to focus on the proportions rather than the actual size and length when I eyeballed, my drawing tended to be pulled toward smaller sizes, which made me very confused, and I kept correcting the sizes. I need to do more eyeballing practice!
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Ihori Kobayashi
My second attempt at drawing accurately. I do not have Photoshop, so I used PowerPoint to create the overlay image. I showed my drawing to my boyfriend and asked who he thought this person was, and he answered, "Michelle Obama." :(
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Ihori Kobayashi
This exercise required a lot of patience and took a very long time to complete. When I got tired, I started eyeballing too much rather than carefully measuring, and my proportions started getting off. I had to stop drawing to rest and wait until later to continue.
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Ihori Kobayashi
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