Activity Feed
I missed it but it's really fun activity, will ya create space for people to to share work where we can interact with one another ? Thanks for the great work Proko, and kids you have no idea back in the day no internet, no art teacher, no access to photos references, if one is poor no access to comics books no nothing, so many talents got hurried, and now you have place like proko, hell no need even for art schools, it's an art university and basically for free.
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Tori Tempo
Last one woohoo!! Tried to draw comic style muscles for the first time.
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You're already an artist 🎨
Nihil__ 🧙🏼‍♂️
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I ain't sure if that figure is a Silverback gorilla or the reference subject has some sort of disability 🤔
So just few quick poses. Feeling tired
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I like how proportions looks right and comfortable to the eye
First off, it looks like my scanner bit the dust. Took pictures with my phone and lousy lighting, so these aren't the best. Anyway, I started with 5 minute poses. Two minutes is just not enough time for me. The last pose is a little over 10 minutes.
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Connie I would say don't shade like that 😐
I found the challenges just today. It was fun sketching and a pleasure to see the art of everyone. Thank you.
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The one with crossbow is badass, from imagination?
Hey. I did some 2 min and 10 min sketches. For a few of them, I gave them an additional 10 mins because I was curious where they would go.
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Nothing to fry for me here, ur proportions is on point, I wish if I could do that, good job
Hi proko, hey people 🙂 I missed this challenge thing, I'm an old man, can't sit for long time as my back is messed up, I'm not an artist, started to doodle few months ago, I don't spend more than 10 to 15 minutes once or twice a week, and I doodled this which I really don't know what, this was on small tablet connected with laptop via Bluetooth I'm laid back on bed and doodle without looking at my hand as I'm looking at the screen instead, also the software is autodesk i guess, im not good t it, I have 2 questions please, do u think I have any chance at drawing? Second question can this drawing win me Wacom laptop 😂 I want to make 2d cartoon. Whatever is this drawing I really don't know what I just did it and that's that, I want everyone critique the hell out of it and out of me, what mistakes I did what courses I should study? I love the Korean master, I feel I just want to draw Whatever I imagine, anyways critique the hell out of me plzzz
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