The word "swashbuckler" has always sparked my imagination.
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Eyeballing the colors from the Alexander Jakub painting was pretty challenging but learned a bit about color relativity.
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The 2 on the left are the initial character designs from imagination.
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Made a speaker, a cannon and a tank.
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Somehow struggled more with the rib cage than the pelvis even though I was using the 3d model for help, definitely would love feedback on this one.
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Rotating and changing poses on level 2 really forced me to simplify. Couldn't find a good scorpion pic on pexels.com nor unsplash.com so I had to get it elsewhere.
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The grapes one really gave me a run for my money.
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Always love a perspective challenge.
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The 3D model was pretty helpful.
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Definitely harder than expected but got through it.
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Had fun with this one.
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Started eyeballing more considering the feedback I was given before. I eyeballed the color until it looked like the one in the image and then color picked to check my accuracy and correct myself by color picking the color I placed and adjusting it. Most of my accuracy mistakes seem to happen in the colored grays in the shadows but not by massive amounts. I only color picked a few colors in the refractive/translucent red sphere because i was struggling a lot on that one, tons of colors. Relying on eyeballing pushed me to simplify more in order to be faster, specially in the Dobby sculpture. Thought that the folds around the neck in the clothing would take me a lot of time but thinking in planes and laying a dark and light stroke + blending stroke allowed me to get them done quickly.
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Wolf, bear and beaver.
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Really tough assignment but managed to get it done.
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Color picked to focus more on making it more painterly.
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Struggled with the arms a bit.
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Had fun playing around with the poses from imagination with the level 2 boxes.
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Wanted to increase the difficulty so I relied more on eyeballing to get better at it, I did struggle with the hummer more but was able to catch mistakes and fixed them as I kept working on it. Was able to get the tank done with far less measuring and less mistakes after practicing eyeballing with the hummer, which did lead to the under drawing looking far less messy. My main goal was to achieve something believable to the naked eye with slight mistakes that can only be noticed by measuring them, looks believable to me but my eyes are probably biased so I hope I managed to achieve my goal.
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Did manipulations such as bending, rounding and twisting of the boxes in order to increase the difficulty and allow me to add better gesture. There where occasions where I could see the left side of a finger segment and at the other end the right side, so I added twisting. I know fingers don't twist unless an external force is applied but I did end up liking how the twisting does add more energy to the fingers.
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