Max Isaksson
Max Isaksson
Activity Feed
Max Isaksson
This is an illustration of my daughters playing Frozen with their uncles last Christmas. The catch was that their uncles decided the roles ^^
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Max Isaksson
Here is my submisson for this month. Really love these challanges! They push me to complete one illustration each month. The inspiration for this one is my daughter, when she tried out video games for the first time.
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Max Isaksson
Here is my cover submission, inspired by of one of my favourite book series: Tales of the Otori
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Max Isaksson
My stylized self-portrait submisson. Had to make it digitally, cause i dont have any traditional media. Would love to try that out some day though! :)
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Max Isaksson
My odd engine-ear bot.... pun intended höhöhö!
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Max Isaksson
Here's my submission! An odd bot spawner :)
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