Katherine Cleary
Katherine Cleary
Vista, CA
Is it art or just collecting art supplies that fascinates me?
Katherine Cleary
I this is before the demo. Usually I do a couple of versions, before and after but this is before so I'm going to watch the demo and see and then do an after.
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Katherine Cleary
This is after watching the demo period it helps me a lot to see what Stan is doing. I get a lot more clarity out of it. I do attempt the drawing on my own but then I want to go in and make what we'll call a course correction. The VR girl will come later. That was really interesting because I never thought in the entire course of my life that I would be drawing a figure like that ever
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Katherine Cleary
After demo much less neurotic . Also used more of the paper and more arm. Not getting involved in detail is hard.
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Katherine Cleary
I kmow these boots. They were part of a line and wash project on another course. I will try not to hate them
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Katherine Cleary
Good for you. I've been messing around with this stuff since the summer of 2002. But I keep having at it. You can never give up
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Katherine Cleary
This is the pear before watching the demo. I am always trying to force myself to quit while I think I'm ahead otherwise I will work something to death. Seeing the values without blending The edges was a bit of a challenge. I have to force myself to see shapes and not detail.
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