Dave Sakamoto
Dave Sakamoto
Dave Sakamoto
Hello, hello! This assignment, although challenging, was fun. There's something very satisfying about drawing cross-contour lines. I don't know what it is but it felt rather meditative.
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Dave Sakamoto
This exercise was extremely helpful. I appreciate how Stan broke the process down into digestible steps. I was able to visualize the shapes and transform a blob into a box. Which I guess was the point.
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Dave Sakamoto
This assignment took me outside of my comfort zone as I don't have much experience drawing vehicles. The most difficult part for me was placing the backside of the tire and the tread's connection to the ground. That's something I will have to practice more.
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Dave Sakamoto
Whattup, whattup? This was a challenging assignment. It was difficult to figure out the planes of the hands and which way they faced. I spent some quality time drawing and redrawing different segments. I struggled with foreshortening, especially the fingers.
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Dave Sakamoto
Hey everyone! Attached are my drawings for the level 2 assignment. I wasn't sure how much detail to add so I kept them simple. I found it difficult to place the angles correctly, especially when a lot of hair was involved :0 I'm struggling with my line weight too. I'm not always sure when to make lines thicker or thinner. I used thicker lines for the main features like the outline of the face, eyes, lips, and nose, and thinner lines for structure.
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Dave Sakamoto
It was fun coming up with different themes and finding creative ways to include the sink. The guidelines helped considerably but I still struggled to keep my lines straight. I also found it difficult to keep the page clean with all the lines from the grid lines. Drawing thumbnail sketches beforehand was also great to plan out the layout.
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loes roos
I had fun doing this. I realized I have never ever done a room in 1 point perspective. Let alone a kitchen with silly placed sinks... I did it on a piece of paper with dots to assist in the line work. It was chaotic with many assisting lines and no layers, so I decided to colour the kitchen. The vanishing point was in the first open window but no longer visible. I decided to use the trick of the diagonal to make the floor tiled and receding. Always wanted to test that. In case someone does not know that: On your floor, right in the front, bottom horizontal, you put equal distance dots and make all the lines to the vanishing point. Than from the corner of the room to the other diagonal opposed corner put the line in... and on every point where the diagonal crosses one of your vanishing long lines you put a horizontal... Works great. The bedroom with the low view felt weird. I want to do more rooms in procreate or gimp ...
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Dave Sakamoto
What's under the bed? It looks like a bird's face.
Here is my 1st attempt. For lines far away from the vanishing point, I had some problem getting them t point to the right direction. I also had problem keeping the longesst lines straight. I'll try to make a better one tomorrow.
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Dave Sakamoto
nice design on the rug!
Dave Sakamoto
Here's the Level 2 assignment. I originally drew them on newsprint with charcoal and cleaned them up in Procreate.
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Dave Sakamoto
It took me a while to get into the flow of this exercise. Seals are fascinating animals to draw. I never realized how closely they resemble dogs, from the neck up. :)
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Dave Sakamoto
Seems like the consensus is that proportions are difficult, and I couldn't agree more! I measured and remeasured until I thought I was going blind. It was fun though :)
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Lynn Fang
From left to right, are my three attempts. I struggled too much, since I get used to rely on eyeballing to measure something( It isn't precise. I use Ctrl+T to adjust my drawings in Photoshop ). Also I am troubled by "tunnel vision". So I tried to measure in the same way as Stan  taught in the lesson, using pencil to measure. BTW, I spent lots of time on each one, 3-4 hours average or more, I believe. Maybe it was perfectionism, which made me feel bad while drawing. Critiques appreciate.
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Dave Sakamoto
Love these!
Dave Sakamoto
Being limited to 10 shapes or less was tough. You had to think intently about what to include or exclude.
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Dave Sakamoto
What does Jeff mean when he says his drawing has a tonal feel? Sorry, I'm a novice to artistic terms.
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Dave Sakamoto
Jeff said that his drawing exemplifies a heavy calligraphic style of drawing. What does he mean by calligraphic? Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting. Is he saying that his drawing has a handwriting style? And if so, what is that?
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Dave Sakamoto
Hey everyone! I chose to study Eliza Ivanova, Jack Kirby, and Bill Sienkiewicz for this assignment. Each artist has such a distinct line quality. It was fun trying to emulate it.
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Dave Sakamoto
Hey party people, attached are the drawing exercises for the level 1 trace and level 2 draw from observation. Eager for some feedback :)
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Dave Sakamoto
Hello! I decided to try my hand at baby goats. I don't draw animals often so it was a bit of a challenge.
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Dave Sakamoto
Created these images in Procreate on my iPad. Hope they look okay :)
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Dave Sakamoto
Here's the camel and Fire Marshall Bill.
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