Dorian Iten
Dorian Iten
Former program director at Barcelona Academy of Art. Passionate about teaching craft and exploring the inner game of art.
Dorian Iten
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Dorian Iten
Dorian Itenadded a new lesson
Hello, these assignments are difficult as I thought, especially the monkey one, not sure about "center light" area. And how can I know the value of ambient light intensity, I compared with the video, it looks about the same (maybe). And I have one question, is "form shadow = reflected light + core shadow" ? or is there some halftone between? 🤔 I appreciate any feedback, thank you.
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Dorian Iten
> "form shadow = reflected light + core shadow": that's how I think about it. 👍 Halftones are on the other side of the terminator.
Dorian Iten
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Is there somewhere to get feedback on exercises?
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Dorian Iten
Update: I visit occasionally and provide feedback here when I have time, but the Proko edition of the Shading Course is generally intended for self study. If you want to work with me directly, I do provide personalized feedback in two 10-week cohorts per year over at I'm still trying to figure out how to bridge the gap elegantly between and my platform. For the moment, you can join feedback cohorts as an add-on to your Proko course at Hopefully, there will be more interaction possible directly on in the future!
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Dorian Iten
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Dorian Iten
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Dorian Iten
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Isaac Pizarro
Hello, does this course have Spanish subtitles?
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Dorian Iten
Ahora si :)
Dorian Iten
Hola Isaac, Todavía no, lo siento :/ Modules 1-4 have English subtitles, remaining modules are coming soon. Spanish subtitles are on the roadmap for 2022.
Roland Varga
Hello! I was wondering: does the course come with discord access?
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Dorian Iten
Update: Proko students can now join the dedicated Discord server of Shading Course! Find out more at
Dorian Iten
Hi Roland, Thanks for expressing interest in a Discord server! Short answer: Not yet, but I'm considering it. Long answer: I am running a Discord server, but it's currently only for students who join the course at my platform at I'd LOVE to give Proko students access as well, but haven't been able to figure out how to handle the resulting complexity.
Dorian Iten
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Romain Decotte
Hello, Here’s my light probes assignment. Pics 1 and 3 done on Procreate and 2 on Photoshop. @Dorian Iten, it was lots of fun and a nice opportunity to try out digitally on both - thanks. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Romain
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Dorian Iten
Nice! 👏 Really good colors, values, and terminator ellipses on all of these! A few notes: In image 1, on the head, the specular reflection is a bit too bright. In image 2, the light comes a bit more from the top. See the cast shadow of the nose on the cheek. In image 3, on the jacket, the form light value is a bit too bright. These are nitpicky notes. ;) Great work overall!
I found this a really helpful assignment, and I was able to identify that I struggle the most with reflected light, like determining where it would be strongest.
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Dorian Iten
Nice! On the first one, you could get a stronger sense of form by pushing the dark halftones a bit darker and letting them come into the form light more. But these are both really solid overall!
Alessio Bortot
Hi everybody! Here my attempt at the perfect egg assignment. The first picture is a photo of the reference, but I worked live, not from a photo. It took me 4 hours to complete the drawing but I feel that there's more to add, just don't know exactly where and how. I also have the feeling that my paper is a bit too rough Worked with 2B, HB and 3H pencils Alessio
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Dorian Iten
Hi @Alessio Bortot, There are a lot of things here that are working well! The subtlety of tones within the form light area is especially nice! If you want to push it further, here is what I would do, ordered by priority: 1) Soften the transition at the terminator a bit more so the darkest halftones connect and kind of "melt" into the terminator. This will give you a stronger sense of form. 2) Soften the occlusion shadow so it is less of a line and more of a gradient. 3) Refine the drawing with a sharp pencil, using the "Island Hunting" method. As the tones get calmer, you will see opportunities for more nuanced adjustments in value and edge sharpness. Good work, overall!
My intention with this study was to spend at least 2 hours on it, because I have a bad habit of rushing when I draw. However, I only ended up spending 1 hour on it, because I felt like as I continued to try and refine it I was making the values muddy. Does anyone else have this problem, and any advice?
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Dorian Iten
Hi @selenitis, What do you mean by muddy? I can see potential for creating a stronger effect of form by creating a more obvious gradient within the halftones. Currently, the value inside the form light area is fairly even in your image, while in the reference there is more of a difference between the center light and darker halftones.
Romain Decotte
Hey there ! First off, this assignment really piqued my curiosity and the more I was going along with it the more interesting it got. I am happy with the final result. The first pic is my reference which I started to ignore when it came to drawing the cast shadow - too much reflected light. This first drawing was made with 2H, HB and 2B graphite pencils. The values at the bottom are the ones I used for step 3 (value plan). Near the end, I darkened the background on the lighter side of the egg to make it pop out more. I had a second crack at it with H, HB and 2B pierre noire pencils (last three pics) following the same process and ignoring the reflected light on the cast shadow from my reference. Charcoal is quite unforgiving if you go too dark too soon so it was like walking on...eggs. Thanks @Dorian Iten for this assignment. Any critique/feedback would be much appreciated and I look forward to what lies ahead in this course. Romain
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Dorian Iten
Hi @Romain Decotte, Good work! You handled the transition of the dark halftones at the terminator especially well. 👍 I also like your decision of darkening the background next to the form light area, this does help a lot to make the egg pop. A big thing I'm noticing here is that you seem to draw a dark egg as if it were a light egg. (Or, in more technical terms, drawing an egg with a dark local value as if it were an egg with a light local value.) As a result, in your drawing, the tonal relationship between the form light area and the form shadow area is thrown off. This is especially noticeable in the second drawing. A lighter egg will have a lighter form shadow than a darker egg. See the attached image. Your drawings look to me like a combination of the form light value of A with the form shadow value of B. That said, you could get a white egg with a very dark form shadow, if there is very little ambient light because of a dark environment. The second drawing feels a bit like that, but the form shadow is too dark for how light the floor is. In general, I find it much easier to make any tonal adjustments in the setup itself, so I can observe them directly, rather than trying to invent them. Then again, inventing is fun :) Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't work. When invented light doesn't work, we can do detective work to figure out why.
Romain Decotte
Hi @Dorian Iten! Here's my simple AO study :). T'was good fun! Happy new year! Cheers, Romain
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Dorian Iten
Well done! 👏 :)
Dorian Iten
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