The last one is the only one I don't like. It feels a bit too skinny, but Idk
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John Kavvadas
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Hot Diggity Dog nice shading bro. The bucket legit looks like a 3D Blender model slapped right on the page
Exercise 3: Draw Models A lot of these gave me trouble, poses 14 & 16 definitely gave me the most frustration. Help plz
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Exercise 2: Trace Models Yeah lol number 9 really boggled mah brain, some help on that one specifically would would be greatly appreciated
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Exercise 1: Draw Skelly Critiques much appreciated
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Homework Dump #8|I can already see how offset the first one is and it's hurting me physically, mentally,& spiritually, plz help
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Homework Dump #7|I always have trouble with heads tilting/looking up. Any advice on that would be much appreciated.
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Homework Dump #6|I remember having a lot of trouble figuring out the phalanges of that claw hand pic.
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Homework Dump #5|I really want to revisit this after I actually learn were the muscles are located. Honestly this was 50% guess-work
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Homework Dump #4|The combining/merging of these simplified 3D forms were very difficult for me to wrap my head around. Any tips on that would be really appreciated.
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Homework Dump #3|The boney bumps around the knee were difficult for me to see or understand where they even are. Not sure if I got their locations correct. Sorry for the lack of reference photos, not sure where they went o_0
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Homework Dump #2
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Homework Dump #1|Mah Beany Bois
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Steve Lenze
Hey dooby, I don't know why you are frustrated, these are actually pretty good. Number 6 and 10 were not as accurate because you were losing the angle of the shoulders and the pelvis, I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
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Thanks Steve! Honestly the pelvis angle is always hard for me to figure out x). like on number 6 the angle of the pelvis just looked like a straight line to me at the time. Now that you point it out, the angle and position of it is pretty clear. same on number 10 with the shoulders. thanks again man!
This one was more frustrating than I expected it to be. Especially number 5, I gave up on that one. Those subtle twist of the torso really boggles my brain for some reason. Critiques would be much appreciated. Thanks
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This assignment frustrated me more than I thought it would. Critiques would be much appreciated on all of these, but especially number 5. That one borked my brain for some reason.
Crimson The Vixen
14/4/2023 Simple Practice requires simple patience.
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Quick notes on those cylinders: I noticed the sides on of the cylinders are all parallel to each other. Don't forget about foreshortening, Lines will converge towards each other as they move further into the distance OR closer to the camera. I know our human eyes won't see much of the converging in the real world, but trust me it IS converging! As for the boxes, I would recommend Draw a Box.com as they go very in depth as to how boxes (and perspective in general) works. (Honestly the creator of the site might even have some coarses right here on proko)
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