carla toms
carla toms
carla toms
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carla toms
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carla toms
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carla toms
Having fun with these. I’m practicing accuracy and digital painting.
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carla toms
just drawing along with the demo
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carla toms
Roosters, level 2
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carla toms
Water buffaloes. Buffali?
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carla toms
Additional hippos, level 2
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carla toms
I. Am. Struggling. So after drawing a whole lot of yawning hippos that all look very similar, I have gone to the internet to look for other hippos and I’m posting the first drawing that I actually think is cute. I am having a lot of trouble making the hippos look appealing. No offense to hippos. To be fair, it’s not their fault. Still struggling. Not giving up. Gonna find more hippos.
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carla toms
First of al GORGEOUS! Second of all i think the reference image goes darker than you do and I’m just pointing that out because I’m always somehow drawing lighter than my reference. What do you think about making the dark parts darker?
My submissions for Level 1 and Level 2! Anyone else find this exercise really satisfying? It was a lot of fun to carve planes into the blobs - somehow it felt a lot more solid and real than just drawing an abstract box. I'm going to make a conscious effort to think of the forms I'm drawing as actual 3D objects I'm carving into. With luck, that sense of solidity will be transferred into the drawing itself.
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carla toms
I loved this project! I think my favorite is the shape exploration of the owl.
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carla toms
These are fun to look at, too!
SNAIL: I was unsure if adding lines to the biggest section of the snail part to create surfaces as in the pear exercise makes sense here. BOOTS: I felt confident about the lines i drew but not about the level of detail. Are the boots too simple? Thank you.
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carla toms
do the shoelaces! They’re daunting but there’s something about overcoming that challenge that made me feel much more confident in my skills
carla toms
Still working on landscapes by Goseki Kojima (his on the left, mine on the right. I absolutely did NOT get the leaf shapes how he does them— still working on that. Probably going to take a lot more tries. I really like how he gives a sense of how huge the landscape is compared to the figures and how his work gives a sense of depth.
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carla toms
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carla toms
So i was looking through Lone Wolf and Cub to pick a panel and had a panic attack. Goseki Kojima is so brilliant in every panel— how dare I even try? So i picked the simplest panel I could find and in so doing noticed for the eleventy-thousandth time how great his landscapes are. I love his trees and his rain, so I gave it a little try.
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I wasn't sure what reference to use for my revision of this class and then I remembered that there is this exercise for animators to basically bring a sac of flour to life. I thought this might be a good way to practice dynamic shapes - how to make a sack feel dynamic ;)
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carla toms
I find myself needing more of this sack story: will the big sack ever reconcile with the small sack? Did the small sack feel left out when the big sack went dancing alone? I need answers!
carla toms
Trying to draw right along with the video in real time. Whew! That was fast!
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Christina Unger
I'm Level 1, but the camel is much more fun... :) I have a tendency to do long, single strokes, so this is a great exercise (and I should do more of it).
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carla toms
carla toms
Asked for help
Trying four value shading and portrait at an angle i find difficult
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