Los Angeles, CA
Drawing Painting MUA/SFX Photography
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I really loved doing these. I enjoyed the freedom of just focusing on line confidence and not being super worried about measuring. There’s also something really satisfying about simplifying images
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Feeling really good after watching this demo. I did almost the same steps as Stan before I watched this! It’s a good reminder that I need to trust my instincts and not second guess myself so much
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The snail was a lot of fun but hot damn those boots were a lot more challenging than I anticipated!
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Lots of problems in my proportions. It’s kind of funny how looking at it in person looks fine then when I see the thumbnail photo of my reference, I can see all the issues…. I should probably start utilizing squinting my eyes while looking at the object.
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I found this black and white photo that I thought would be a good exercise. I really tried to keep it simplified and with only 5 values. It was a lot more challenging than expected.
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After I read on facebook that proko want us to try the assigment again after his example video i thought Ill do that. But with another portrait because I easily get bored if i draw the same thing to many times. Hawkeye.
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I like the color by numbers approach! Great job laying out a solid outline!
i found this image and thought it would make a great reference for this project. I had a really hard time mapping out the proper proportions and then I started getting lost when trying to create 5 clear values. I’m proud of myself for finishing but I very clearly struggled
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I don’t have 5 clear values and I definitely got a little lost along the way but I finished!
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The pear on the left I did following along with the demo. The pear on the right I did on my own after doing the demo pear … I followed the same steps on my own but the demo pear still looks way better. Time to keep practicing
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Hey everyone! I just want to verify that this is the first lesson. I’m new to Proko so just want to make sure I’m not missing anything!
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