Hi. Beginner artist.
haha great looking thru it, congrats. I like your ideas and style (88 and the likes where you do leg feet stuff were really interesting), some look a pinch awkward but what else can I say? hard work and pieces to be proud for some time! I'll leave more serious critique to the people that will know better. happy new year!
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Thank you for the kind words, made my day a lot better :)
Hey guys, happy new years! For this December I proposed to myself that I would draw 200 mannequins as a way to improve my figure drawing and construction skills. I thought it would be a good idea since I had just gotten to the mannequin lesson in Proko's figure drawing fundamentals course and felt like it was a good stopping point to hone my skills thus far so in every session I did 30 minutes of gesture drawing followed by some mannequins. Sadly I ended up on the last day with 38 figures remaining due to not drawing at all in the days near Christmas, but I managed to pull through! In the imgur album are all my mannequins and all my relevant thoughts about the challenge. I'd really appreciate critique and feedback on this challenge as I'm feeling a bit demoralized with the results. Looking at the images I cannot notice much improvement and I feel like I put a lot of effort in for results I cannot appreciate. Please tell me what I could have done better, what I'm missing and what I should do in the future. I'm seeking to master construction and perspective before any other subject and I don't know what I should be doing. I was thinking of finishing Figure drawing fundamentals and then moving onto the Portrait drawing fundamentals. I already have these 2 bought and I can't afford the new Proko beginner course. Any other recommendations or paths to follow would be highly appreciated. Thank you for reading this far! The album in question: https://imgur.com/a/Nr4Ox4Z
Henrique Romão Saito
The landmarks are a simplification of anatomy, if you feel overwelmed by it, is even more complex if you go into anatomy, but don't worry, you don't learn it all in a day, if you fell overwhelmed try to watch the videos again or do more exercises from the topic slowly you will begin to learn more and understand it more, you learn by choping the knoldge in pieces don't try to swallow everything at once.
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Thank you! I'll take my time and make sure I absorb the information provided, much obliged :)
Hello Alyssus, I have spent several years with figure drawing and when I went over the Proko classes I felt a bit discouraged and lost as well. As I did not find it gave me all of the answers readily available. The best thing to do is keep practicing and be aware of the landmarks. Then continue with other resources to compliment what you know through your practice and the Proko classes. Then keep practicing and sharpen your eye of what to pay attention. Not one thing has all of the answers but by being willing to learn and being aware will over time provide the answers
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Thank you. It's a burden off my chest to hear I'm not the only one who found it confusing, I'll try my best to keep going and research from various sources in order to get a good understanding!
Hey guys, I just got to Landmarks of the human body after 3 months of following the figure drawing fundamentals, really taking my time and making sure I absorb every lesson. However, now that I got here I feel very overwhelmed, especially by the example video where Stan goes in depth on his process of using landmarks and his anatomy knowledge to understand and pinpoint the position of different body parts. The things he's pointing out are usually completely invisible to me and I don't know how I should proceed. Should I start learning some anatomy before proceeding further or do I just keep going with my lackluster understanding of all the landmarks?
Hey, @alyssus! I’m arriving a little late here, but I’m glad to see that @Dwight has already given you helpful replies. I’ll hop on your request as well, but, instead an re-answering the questions, I’d like to share more of an overall feedback, hoping it can be a complement for the guidance you’re looking for. Since you’re a complete beginner, my main advice would be for you to stick with course lessons and assignments first and primarily, before attempting to develop your own free exercise routines. Sure practicing on your own should be helpful too, but structured courses already provide you a system which to follow and instructions on how you should practice to achieve the skills they’re aimed at. An art course is often designed with the objective of developing specific skills, so focusing on foundation courses should help you develop foundational skills through your early steps with relatively more ease and comfort… at least more so than by practicing solely on your own. I see in your profile you’re already enrolled in Figure Drawing Fundamentals - that’s great! This can be a good place to start. Simply work through the course by watching the lessons, taking notes, reviewing as much as needed, doing the assignments as suggested and posting your work here in this community to get feedback. Gradually, the critiques you receive plus your own self-assessments should give you clues on what to adjust in your practice, what to focus on more intensely, where to go next… Later down the road, once you start to feel grounded enough and notice the need to take your art in directions which the courses you find won’t fulfill, then you can start to consider how to design your own customized practice routines in order to meet your more advanced needs and goals. That’s my take anyway! Hope it helps somehow. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions. And count on this community for help whenever you feel stuck in your art studies. Best regards!
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Hey Liandro! Thanks so much for the tips, they could not come at a better time. Currently I'm having fun with drawing from reference without much guidance and trying to do things by myself. I will follow your advice and complete the figure drawing course and see how I progress in time! Thanks again!
Honestly, this might not be the advice you want, but I'd do what you feel best. I say this because you don't want to make drawing into something you dread and end up quitting early. As to your questions: 1. You're really asking two here. Imposing time limits will force you to simplify, so it's useful for complex subjects. On the other hand, understanding and correctly aligning shapes should be precise, and so I wouldn't shorten your time for such a focus. Think of it as, the shorter the time, the bigger the picture. 2. Similar to your time question, this can be done as an exercise. It is fun to do gesture with pen and not stress whether it's right or wrong. But for the most part, pushing through the sunken cost fallacy is hard enough. Peter Han and such can work with mistakes because either they're not critical to the drawing, or are so knowledgeable that they can work with it. 3. Once again, it depends on the person. You probably don't want to hear it, but training you eye will be the easiest way. Sure, head measurements and shape design examples might help get you started, but there's so much variety in people and objects that you have to be able adapt to what you're seeing/imagining. I'd just like to add, the fastest way to improve is getting feedback. I understand if you may be like me and are hesitant to show your work, but even self-criticism is useful (they say your harshest critic is your self). - Dwight
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Hey Dwight! Thank you very much for your answers! I will keep everything you said in mind, especially the part about enjoying the process :) Much love
Hey all, I'm a complete beginner when it comes to art and I am currently drawing gesture and shapes daily, but I have a dilemma when it comes to studying shapes. I currently try to observe, simplify an object into shapes and then draw them, after which I try to rotate the object without reference. This current process takes around 30-40 minutes for 3 sketches of a single object. This brings up 3 questions. 1. Should I limit the time I spend on each drawing or continue like this until I naturally get faster? 2. Should I, instead of erasing my mistakes, work with them (kind of like Peter Han)? 3. Is there a better approach to obtaining an innate sense of proportion and shape than this one? Thank you very much for reading this far and I would be immensely grateful for guidance in this field :)
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