Feeling overwhelmed by Figure Drawing Fundamentals
Hey guys, I just got to Landmarks of the human body after 3 months of following the figure drawing fundamentals, really taking my time and making sure I absorb every lesson. However, now that I got here I feel very overwhelmed, especially by the example video where Stan goes in depth on his process of using landmarks and his anatomy knowledge to understand and pinpoint the position of different body parts. The things he's pointing out are usually completely invisible to me and I don't know how I should proceed. Should I start learning some anatomy before proceeding further or do I just keep going with my lackluster understanding of all the landmarks?
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Hello Alyssus, I have spent several years with figure drawing and when I went over the Proko classes I felt a bit discouraged and lost as well. As I did not find it gave me all of the answers readily available. The best thing to do is keep practicing and be aware of the landmarks. Then continue with other resources to compliment what you know through your practice and the Proko classes. Then keep practicing and sharpen your eye of what to pay attention. Not one thing has all of the answers but by being willing to learn and being aware will over time provide the answers
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Thank you. It's a burden off my chest to hear I'm not the only one who found it confusing, I'll try my best to keep going and research from various sources in order to get a good understanding!
Henrique Romão Saito
The landmarks are a simplification of anatomy, if you feel overwelmed by it, is even more complex if you go into anatomy, but don't worry, you don't learn it all in a day, if you fell overwhelmed try to watch the videos again or do more exercises from the topic slowly you will begin to learn more and understand it more, you learn by choping the knoldge in pieces don't try to swallow everything at once.
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Thank you! I'll take my time and make sure I absorb the information provided, much obliged :)
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