Sean Hennigar
Sean Hennigar
Toronto, Ontario - Canada
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Sean Hennigar
Here's my first attempt at the lay-in. Looking at some of the other submissions, I can see that I put too much detail into the clothes. I should have just blocked them in with simpler shapes. I also got the overall scale off and had to crop the image at the bottom.
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Sean Hennigar
Thanks, Patrick. That’s good advice and the overlay shows me where I was off. I can see I need to keep practicing.
Sean Hennigar
Here are my attempts after watching the demo. I had to really simplify the crab to keep the number of shapes within the limit.
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Sean Hennigar
Here is my study of Scott Wegener, the illustrator of the Atomic Robo comic series. I found it to be a good study because it reinforced the CSI method and the discussion on line weight. I like Scott's drawings because they're very clean and he is able to suggest form with very few lines.
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Vera Robson
This assignment was going to be great fun, but I found it exceptionally challenging in the end. I guess something to think about and try again.
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Sean Hennigar
These are really nice. Your lines are very elegant.
Sean Hennigar
Here is my submission for the drawing from imagination assignment. The rough sketches and reference photos are also included. I spent a lot of time trying to work out an interesting pose without losing the distinct characteristics of the boar's body. The first couple of attempts ending up looking more like a bull than a boar.
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Liviu Parausanu
One my wife said: "This car looks like a shark" and here we are :)
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Sean Hennigar
Styrbjörn Andersson
Level 1, part 1 of the CSI assignment. I'll do the shoes next. Feedback greatly appreciated!
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Sean Hennigar
Really nice job. Your line quality is great.
Here are my before and after drawings. The hand and the penguin’s body and head shapes were challenging to draw. I would appreciate some feedback. 1, 3, 5 are before. 2, 4, 6 are after.
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Sean Hennigar
You did a really good job on the second hand. Much better than your first attempt.
Sean Hennigar
Here is my second attempt at the exercise after watching the demo. The first time I was being too hesitant. This time I tried to focus on getting strong lines down and worry less about proportions or clean lines. I think the hand turned out much better. Not so sure about the VR girl.
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Sean Hennigar
Here is my attempt at the hand. I still haven't been able to get the proportions correct, although it's better than my first two attempts. I think I might be overthinking it for this exercise. I need to watch the demo to see how Stan approached it.
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