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Carlos Javier Roo Soto
added comment inSketchbook Spontaneity
This is something I need to work on, I have sketchbooks, but I don't really use them much, and must is just studies and not really playing around much.

I should do exactly the opposite as I wish to make my art more solid and real hahaha
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Ooookeeey sooo.... STAAN😬,first at all I wanna thanks you for allí the effort you put in your teachings, on january I barely can draw a line, after seeing your videos and trying my BEST Im improving a lot lately and thats feels great. Thats what comes out, first to photos are the ones that comes from imagination, the first one where they are swimming I see a video on TV and start rough sketching and then done clean, then the reference photo and the sketches with numbers. Soo Hope you reach that and thanks, a lot, again😬😁🙂🙃. Any critique its also welcomed.
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Ahh, my first time doing this. Nervous :X, but here goes! Because I am a beginner and don't have much of a visual library I find it really hard to do gesture as action lines on a blank canvas. I skew the gesture lines (making a line overly long or bending incorrectly) and I can't seem to connect a form on top of it to bend at the right places and so on. I end up using forms as a crutch to move myself through the gesture and establish the action lines at the end. I worry about having too many searching lines as my brain is searching a lot right now via forms. Hopefully it is not the wrong way to do it.
I think you try more for reaim than gesture, try to picnh some form creating overlaping T innersection and all that proko show us in previus lessons, but its so nice what you do it here, not wrong at all, keep up mate
Edo Moya
Glad to be here with you all, after our collective trauma 😌
yeah man, but now after do some portrait practice Im now in the mood of needing it everyday hahaha
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The first serius lay in I made trying to measuring the proportion accurately, don't like the musketeer photo soo try something more pleasant for my imaginery, I seeing the face a little to wide, waoting till i can afford some laptop that could run photosop
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My level 2 attempts. Took me a while, and the main challenge by far was to keep the proportions accurate.
Great exercise though.
Check for key points, like how one leg is vertically related to the humps something like that, and its not bad to take some measures with your pencil and mové around this forst meassure around to check proportions, qll that say, good work especially tue skull, try make longer lunes, at first a Messi but little by little you are reaching there for sure ñ, good work😬😜
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Some of the assigments, sorry but not gonma do the other boot today jajajaja, also some examples taking this out the reference photos Stan provides us, any critique always welcomed
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The boots was nightmare I was terrified for at least for a 30 minutes. I cannot grasp on the proption and the locations. The propotion is off on the snail as well. Anyway tried my best :D
You could check importante points and compare them like how mucho the head pf the snail is going off the shell, and alll that, but noche work, only have tonrecommend you use longer lines,keep Up the good work😬
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This what I can do with portrait, lets watch the demo closely tomorrow and trynto improve in that one, started drawing 6 months ago so... Any help?