Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesi
Washington State
Author of Force drawing books. My focus is teaching how you can express yourself purely with line and gesture.
Peter Bajzek
Hello, @Mike Mattesi , I've been a huge fan of your first book for a long time, and I'm very glad to see your contribution to this course. There's one idea I've struggled with a bit, in regards to the "straight-to-curve" concept (or the related "CSI" line formations): It seems often a "straight" can actually be a slight curve, or perhaps a few small curves might be treated together as a larger straight. Am I being too literal or is it possible to view a particular line differently depending on context or what we're comparing it against?
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Mike Mattesi
that's correct. a "straight" can be many things but not contend with the power of the FORCEFUL curved side. : )
Zach Pipher
I have a pretty philosophical question. I've been keeping up with the assignments. And i know proko has spoken on length about how the lessons are not so we can draw a good (pear, seal, apple, etc) but we're practicing the fundamental of the subject, But how do we get from here, drawing seals etc, to there, drawing our figure, or face, or masterpiece. I want to be able to draw really good action poses, or beautiful scenes with people smiling looking at each other. But at times i feel insecure that me drilling the practice doesn't get me closer to my goal. I assume it comes with applying the principle to other things. But then when i draw something for me, I don't accomplish anything near what i want to do. Sorry, this message just comes from a place of discouragement as I am not trying to not compare my self to other artists that started at the same time as me, but appear to be making tons more progress then me, but without this amazing course. As an artist my greatest weakness my whole life is fighting the feelings of insecurity that come along with feeling i'm not good enough or that I will never be good enough to be a masterful artist. Unlike something like a physical sport like baseball, i have a hard time seeing the ball being hit by the bat as progress when it comes to art.
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Mike Mattesi
Gotta a bring on the blue collar mentality. Roll up your sleeves and make mistakes!
Tuija Kuismin
Mike Mattesi, thank you. These lessons on shapes are packed with information that comes at me fast - at first I thought I wouldn't comprehend it or be able to process it at one sitting - but the examples are fantastic and made me realize so many things. I'm itching to go practise now, this is awesome :D.
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Mike Mattesi
My pleasure! Enjoy!
I have no idea if you read these @Mike Mattesi but you speak to my soul!!! The moment I saw your work, it was like...coming home somehow. I've always wanted to draw flesh with force, I just didn't know how to express it, or how to find resources that fully encapsulated what I had in my mind, that mix of graceful gestural fluidity combined with the solidity of flesh, of meat. Thank you for your invaluable work, I got your book from our library and if I do ok with it I will for sure purchase your courses. <3
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Mike Mattesi
Hi Lin, Happy to hear you are enjoying the book. Happy you found the FORCE home to visit.
Stan Prokopenko
Stan Prokopenkoadded a new premium lesson
Stan Prokopenko
Stan Prokopenkoadded a new premium lesson
Stan Prokopenko
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Samantha Maggard
I have been working on some figure gesture drawings while waiting for the next drawing basics assignment.
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Mike Mattesi
Good start on using FORCE. I suggest you stick to rhythms fist instead of going immediately tot he shapes.
Mike Mattesi
What, no FORCE? This is our staple line so learn it and the power that lies in the line! Keep driving with that line.
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Mike Mattesi
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Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesiadded a new lesson
Gabriel Kahn
Hey there! It's a bit hard to see the drawings. All I can say is that you should probably check out @Mike Mattesi 's works. He is amazing at gestural drawings :)
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Mike Mattesi
Thanks @Gabriel Kahn Focus on those rhythms to get through the figure in under 2 minutes, @Justin Phelps
Mike Mattesi
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TeResA Bolen
Great video! What is that mark making tool you’re using? Thank you!
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Mike Mattesi
I a drawing with a Lyra Graphite Crayon- 9B
TeResA Bolen
This is so helpful, hearing your thought process as you go! I've been agonizing over gesture drawing for months, reading and watching everything I could find - even enrolled in two different courses specifically on gesture trying to figure it all out, and doing a ton of hideous drawings. 🤦‍♀️ Are you developing a course for this platform?
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Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesi
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Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesiadded a new lesson
Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesiadded a new lesson
Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesiadded a new lesson
Mike Mattesi
Mike Mattesiadded a new lesson
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