I'll be taking questions from Stan during my animation livestream! Ask me questions in the comments now or during the livestream.
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N. Yeagy
I loved to animation in the Book of Kells, One of my favorites!
Lig ma
What are the basics of animation in your mind, like what would you wanna learn before moving to more advanced stuff ?
How was your experience in the animation industry and what would you say to someone who's aspiring to reach your level ?
Favourite shirt ?
What do you say to someone who wants to take a pencil and start drawing but has a DEATHLY fear of doing something bad?

Filipe Tomaz
greetings from Brazil. What part of the animation process do you like least (as if that were possible LOL)?
Yume Jensen
Do either of you have tips on how to take care of your hands/wrists and the rest of your body so that you don't get repetitive strain injuries?
adil dekate
Yeah. Move around more, do hand stretches and a wrist brace helps too.
Lig ma
Move your body, maybe ? And try not to sit around in one place for too long.
Kahenya Kahenya
Yes we want you back Aaron, a Kenya meetup is in order for sure

Where should someone start to study animal anatomy? I’ve been drawing for years now (I’m 16) but still am having problems with anatomy. I’d love some advice!
Lig ma
Try Gottfried Bammes's book, Complete Guide to Drawing Animals.
And once you've got the experience, the know-how, then I suggest you try Goldfinger's animal anatomy book.
Bammes will teach you how to draw animals and Goldfinger will be an encyclopedia, a reference of a variety of animals' bones and muscles.
Alen Liber
You shouldn't look at it as problem, but rather as something you correct by practicing anatomy itself. You will get better little by little, but keep in mind, be fully immersed in it. Don't get distracted by external noise, focus.
Also, problems create more problems and depending on your other beliefs it might slow down your process of learning. Learning process is psychological on many levels. And you're young, create some sort of plan in your head what to study and how often. Don't just randomly jump to drawing anatomy.
And put more focus on parts you aren't good at yet. It forces you to go outside of comfort zone. Kinda sucks when you start, but eventually you'll enjoy it. Marc Brunet has awesome video on how to learn faster, "the secret rule to learn anything faster".
He has very good points but don't take them word by word, go with what feels right to you and create new learning habits with information you already have and what he, or others, explain. If you wonder why some people learn super fast and others slow, it's about mindset, focus and goals.

What are some fundamental exercises for an absolute beginner animator to do?
Lie Enciso
Hi! Just wondering, did any of both ever get nervous on their first animation works? D: If yes how did you handle it? I seem to forget how to draw when taking animation tests to get into studios :(

drawing something or someone can be the result of the ambient?.... i mean... music, even our feelings can affect the art? can we draw a happy scene even if we are sad? what do you do in those moments?
Lig ma
Thing is, whatever we're feeling, once you're drawing, will slip out onto the page. So if you're feeling sad, but wanna make something happy, chances are that once you're comfortable in mind, body and space i.e. when you're safe and can be vulnerable in the space around you, your true feelings will let slip.
And that's the fun part about it. You don't expect what you're gonna draw, until it's already out on the page, with your face flushed when you see all the embarrassing things you drew at that moment. Feels threatening, but when you're safe, it will be delightful.
My advice, at that moment, you need to process those feelings so give yourself a break, a respite. Take some time out to process what you're feeling. Maybe try giving form to your feelings ? What color is my feelings? What linework best expresses my feelings? And how would my feelings look like if it was a character ? Give voice to your feelings.
Then if you wanna go deeper, you can ask yourself :
"How did I come to feel this way ? what was the situation that resulted in me feeling this way? Was it a breakup? Betrayal of trust? Did someone die ?"
And all in a kind, non-judgmental manner, if possible. Hope this helps. ✌🏽

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

it's island ryland btw lol
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, it would chuck as much wood as it could.
Aaron, Did you work with K Sean Sullivan at Disney? He was one of my teachers.

How do you stay passionate about animating? I've been at this for some years and a lot of times it just feels like a desk job
Lig ma
To answer your question, I ask you a question (reverse uno card) : Have you done any animation for yourself?
Like, when you have free time and you just wanna animate sth for the sake of animation, outside of industry requirements.
Cuz that's when you can be free and experiment with the kinda animation you wanna try out. The things you produce for the company and the things you produce for yourself.
The main thing you wanna do here is to remind yourself why you took up animation in the first place. Most probably, you got inspired in your earlier days and when you actually had the first experience of making an animation, it must've been fun. Forgive me if I'm assuming, but I assume that's why you took up animation in the first place.
Of course, not to reject the desk job animation cuz I mean, how else will you pay for those delicious po– I mean food, water and all such necessities.
I'd say, take a break from it, and once you're ready, try to rediscover animation. What got you into animation? Maybe you could start there.
And if you have video recording software which records whatever is on your phone screen and/or monitor, then maybe you could record some key scenes from a cartoon/movie/anime whose animations have inspired you. Or if not even just collecting the links to all those scenes can do. Maybe you got fascinated when you saw the drawings that're done, the key poses, secondary n tertiary poses (not sure if I got the terms right, but oh well). Maybe you liked how they looked together and got interested. Hell, maybe whatever that motivates you is outside the field of animation.
Point being, try going back to that source of motivation. If it's art, maybe you can print those artworks and put it up your wall (posters would be better, but hey, whatever gets u going )
Hope this helps✌🏽
Kahenya Kahenya
you were talking about the effect of COVID on the animation industry and i dont know if you know this but during the Annecy festival, Disney revealed lots of African collaborations coming up next year and as a Kenyan its so nice to see the industry finally recognise us. none of this would be possible before the pandemic. What are your thoughts on African representation in animation? and.... why werent there Africans in Tarzan LoL?

How much of your local environment is a source of inspiration for your art? As another person who lives in the south and near the coast, I was curious what kind of inspiration you've drawn from that environment too.

As there is a comeback for 2d and streaming services are becoming the new normal, do you think some more surreal animation like another sequel to Fantasia will be possible?

Would there be more incentive as its more about streaming numbers?

Dennis Thicklin
did disney sabotage my favorite movie: Treasure Planet?

Dennis Thicklin
how would i go about having my 2d character interact with a 3d prop/character in animation?

Robert Collins
What is your favorite Pixar film? Are you familiar with Ghibli?
Avery Garlic
Hi Aaron and Stan, I'm trying to get at perspective do either of you know anyone who might have a course or good perspective videos?

Hi. What are the most important things to focus on as a beginner animator? In general and to learn more as well.