I have a new course teaching the fundamentals of sculpting! You'll learn the ins and outs of sculpting from creating basic armatures to complex anatomical studies.
Mike McCarthy
I am trying to decide it they eyes are too high in the head or if they are too small. Any thoughts would be appreciated

I just completed another 1/6 sculpt according to the above model: https://www.bodiesinmotion.photo/. Thank you Andrew Joseph Keith
inspired me and everyone. I always follow your works.
Super fun! Great job on the lighting and photos too! I'm very impressed.
Mike McCarthy
I just finished an alabaster head with a steampunk feel. I learned a lot from the figure sculpture class by Andrew and think this is one of my best faces to date.
Katie Somos
very nice work! how much time was it to get here for you? is this the fist sculpting course you took?
Hey fun concept and really well executed in stone! I could definitely see this selling in a gallery setting. keep up the great work!

HI, New Sculpture

Douglas Harmon
Hey great sculpture study! nice dramatic lighting. Keep it up!

enmanuel tamarez
So the second I got done with it I realized I had no gesture. I really like the shapes that the chest make in this pose and the concave parts of the armpits and i think it's clear that I focused mostly on that.
Way to go! Keep it up!

Hi Anderew, i am working on jesse233 template, please help me with feedback on this sculpt.

Looking good! I'd say the secondary forms of anatomy could use more subtlety. don't let the secondary forms overpower the primary forms. look for asymmetry. Keep it up! The torso is a great exercise!
Rob Whicker
Hi Andrew, just joined the course have been enjoying the videos and trying to catch up with the assignments… this is my first sculpture ever as the “$5 challenge” j-Mac soft clay over a tinfoil bean using just my hands and a toothpick from the “Eva” photos. Excited about the course and look forward to your feedback

Hal Cohen
Here's my assignment from Lesson 1 (Intro)
great job! keep it up and I hope you'll also submit some gesture studies for our latest lesson/assignment!
Joe Gandolfo
Hello Andrew.. I just signed up and am excited to get started! Looking forward to learning from you.
Hey thanks so much! I look forward to seeing your work!
Ray Huysman
Have you checkout Robert Tolone Mold Making Site on YouTube?
He just put out a Glove Mold Video yesterday using a high stretch silicone rubber for doing a cast of a female bust. He makes some very interesting points on mold making and the materials. Thanks again, for your approach and information on sculpturing.
I haven't but that does sound interesting! Yeah mold making could be an entire course in and of itself because there is so much to learn and so many different ways to go about it. I only go over some simple mold making techniques with cheaper materials but that really just scratches the surface.

Jose Mansilla
I just got my sculpture course. Will begin my new project
Excited to hear it! Can’t wait to see your work.
Maciek Komenza
hello everybody
I am glad that I decided to buy the course. I hope that the knowledge received here will allow me to develop. I have one small problem - despite the fee, I still don't see premium lessons, only short videos from YT
https://www.proko.com/help you might try contacting the help center with this link and they should be able to help.
Hmm that’s not right. If you’ve purchased the course you should be able to see and access all the premium lessons. I’m not sure what the issue is though...
Michael M
Hello Andrew - this is a really question about the website: when I open the My Classroom link the dashboard window opens and the message in the block below My Profile says that I have not added any courses to My Classroom. This concerns me since I have purchased your figure sculpting fundamentals course. A glitch, or am I missing something? Will appreciate your reply. Thank you.
I’m not sure what the issue is. The Proko team handles all the technical stuff so you might message the help center (https://www.proko.com/help)

I have the same issue. Wondering about it too. Thanks.
Hmmm that doesn’t sound right. If you go to my profile and then click on the figure sculpture course does it allow you to access the premium videos? (Like the cheap sculpture demo)? It may be a glitch and if you can’t get access to the course you might want to contact help@proko.com
Adam Wiebner
Armature prototype #2, about 8.5 inches in height. Done all with one continuous piece of wire. Lots to learn. Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!
Hey nicely done! Soon there will be some lessons on building wire armatures in the sculpture course too!
it took some time to find the photos of model... also I have a lot of clay so I hope its ok to use earthenware???
Yep that’s fine! Whatever type of clay you have available works!

Marena Kehl
Ugh. I've been working on my first sculpture (in many many years) and my first full in-the-round sculpture with oil-based clay. That is where the "ugh" comes in. So many little bumps and tiny divots.
I'm learning a lot. Made my first ever wire armature and overdid it, so that has been a bit problematic, and working so small (like a one inch face) with no "real" tools is a challenge. But the surface! Google posts and you tube describe using various solvents to smooth. I'd almost like a rough texture, but it is a bit late for that now, and how does one do that without losing detail on something so small (@10" tall)?
Suggestions? I'm trying a tooth brush for a tiny bit of texture, but don't know if it's going to work. Am thinking of putting it into the fridge....Will cold help me smooth with my fingers? Trying to burnish with a spoon or stone doesn't seem to work. Burnishing with an eraser makes the clay a different color until smoothed out by a finger. Aw, well, I'll keep going.
Am looking forward to learning how to use the Davinci app with a sculpture. AND how to make oil-based clay smooth.
Yes cooling down the clay can help with the texturing. I wouldn’t worry about getting a perfectly smooth texture before all of the forms are accurate.

Marena Kehl
Re: Our first assignment and the "challenge"--
Because the challenge photos are on You Tube, do we need to use the bra or can we put in real breasts?
You don’t have to use the bra and are welcome to sculpt it as a nude. you can actually get the full uncensored photos at www.posespace.com for around $6 per pose I think. We just wanted the course to be accessible to younger students which is why they are censored.
Alfredo Negron
Hi Andrew. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned earlier somewhere, but do videos get released on the same day every week? It's just to know when I should check for new material so I know it's there..
Yeah we’ll try to release videos on Wednesday and some weeks may have multiple videos released (like a free and a premium) so there might be one on Wednesday and one on another day.

Marena Kehl
Andrew, Is this the place your students post questions? Or do we talk on Instagram? Or You Tube? Anyway, this may be a silly question, but my old batch of plastaline is two different colors--clay that has been schmushed together but has not been blended. I'm thinking that if they are not blended, that it will affect the way I can see shadows and planes, particularly when working small. Am I just worrying needlessly or do I actually have a legitimate concern. ( Partly, I'm just being lazy because it takes time to heat and then blend clay.)
So I mix clay all the time by melting it together and as long as it’s not sulfur based (which is smelly clay) it should melt and mix fine. The colors won’t matter as much as the shade or how light and dark the two clays are. If there is a high contrast it is very distracting while working (or in photos) and I personally prefer a consistent clay to better see the forms and outline.

XInying Lin
Hi Andrew! I’ve purchased the course and really can’t wait. You recommended non-drying modelling clay but i’m not sure if super sculpey counts?
Yeah that works fine. It’s a little more expensive than an oil based modeling clay but the nice thing is you can bake it to save your projects.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.