

My final anatomy course assignment. I tried to do some on my own and then stop and watch Stan for a while to see if I was on track. It took a few days working a couple of hours each day. It was a first for me with stretching and toning the paper. I wish there were more videos like this because it was very informative. Comments welcome.
Steve Lenze
I think you did a nice job on the gesture, it doesn't feel stiff at all.
Now, about the rendering:
You are not rendering the forms as 3 dimensional making them look flat.
Your making some forms much darker than they are.
You are not accounting for light fall off. This is when the forms that are farther from the light, get darker.
The body is too light overall.
Too much contrast because you don't have enough dark, middle and light halftones.
I did a quick diagram and digital painting to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Alexis Riviere
To me, this course has always been about drawing the body from imagination, in the end. So I tried drawing 'muscleman' on paper quickly, without looking at any reference.
It's not quite visible, but there are construction lines showing the skeleton underneath. I added the muscles on top of that.
I'm sure there are mistakes everywhere (I'm especially not convinced of the shoulders and crotch section) but I'm happy to be able to do this after rushing through this course so quickly and only once.
I'm sure to review all the lessons one more in a second pass to fix what I didn't get at first, and hopefully, it will allow me to grow one step further.
Anyway, I have to say : this course was wild. It's a huge, awesome work that deserves to be applauded, and I certainly don't regret the money and time I spent on this. Big thanks to everyone involved.
Tess Enarsson
I agree with the guys before my comment1 Great job! Looking forward to the course!
N. Yeagy
Great Job, and your figure looks fluid and alive!
Steve Lenze
This is pretty cool. Often when we add details and anatomy to a figure they tend to stiffen up, but you managed to keep the gesture in these really well. There are a few proportional issues, but overall, pretty cool!

Hi, can you upload the complete muscle model?
Marco Sordi
2022/6/19. Here we are! The last assignment of the anatomy course (I apologize for the strong light of my room). I joined Proko on November 29, 2020. About a year and a half ago my drawing level was the one in the photo on the right. I did the portrait, figure course and finally this one about anatomy. I learned a lot and got so passionate about drawing that I decided to enroll in art schools here in my city as well. I still have a long way to go to become a good illustrator but I think I'm on the right track. I want to thank @Stan Prokopenko for everything he taught me. It would be an honor for me if I could have a critique of him on this final work. I am sure there are many errors and inaccuracies. But Stan in one of his videos said once that we have to draw as if that drawing were to be exhibited in an art gallery. I put everything I could into it. And I will continue to do the same in the future as well. From tomorrow I will start studying Patrick Jones's anatomy course and Dorian Iten's course on shading. I also thank all those in the community who have allowed me to progress and improve with their very kind contribution and encouragement. Thank you all!
Conte B on smooth paper (16.5x11.7 inches)

Sarvesh Gupta
Congrats! You are a great motivation for me! Nice consistency and a huge progress as well :) Keep going

I think your consistency has been really amazing and you have really clearly absorbed all of his content on understanding muscles, it's really impressive.
edit: Cheers for sharing info about Patrick Jones, that looks like a good stepping stone from this course. Also, Anatomy for Artists: The Elements of Form, is really helpful for learning face anatomy since there is no face anatomy proko course.
Congrats and great job. Huge progress!

Ruth O'Connell
Hi all, I'm currently working on a piece that is mostly from imagination. Every time I look at it I feel the proportion is off but I don't know how to tell. My friends and family say its fine - however, they don't draw and are generally quite complimentary lol If anyone could chime in their thoughts on the anatomy and proportion ( or anything else that strikes you as needing improvement) of this figure it would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
You could add a bit more geometry to the figure and folds. I think the proportions work, but an average person maybe has a bit more length in the torso/ hip area and a smaller upper body. A lot of your lines are all stroking down. Alter these lines to create more form from different angles. Hope this helps. It's nice aesthetically : )

I think you're weight is on the wrong leg.
Steve Lenze
Hey Ruth, Nice drawing, in particular the gesture. You are correct though in thinking that the proportions are off a little. I did a sketch to show you how you can determine if your drawing does not have proper proportions. Doing a structural drawing of our pose first will help us to understand what is going on, especially in a figure that is covered in robes. I hope this is helpful :)

Attempt at figure drawing, tried to use my anatomy knowledge. Pros our there kindly share feedback
Great job completing the assignment - the detail work looks good to me, however, I think you could use more practice with proportions and showing depth in your shading. He looks a little flat, because everything appears to be shaded in the same value range.
I quickly added some dark values over your drawing, I hope you can see the difference. By adding shadows around his torso and legs, it helps them fade out of attention, drawing the viewer's eye to the centerpiece - the man's face and flexed arms. Since I don't know what the original lighting was, I mostly guessed on it, but I hope it helps you understand what I'm saying.
I struggled with my shading when I first started too, I always made it way too soft, so I had to keep in mind to really push the dark areas and focus on the LARGE shadow shapes instead of getting caught up on details. Get those large masses down first, and your drawing will feel really solid. Then, you can start putting in details (such as individual muscles, veins, and skin folds/creases).
Steve Lenze
Hey Avinash,
This is a cool pose, and you did a pretty good job, especially the portrait.
What I did was do a structural drawing over yours to see what was feeling off, and found that you have some proportion issues. That's not surprising considering the pose you chose to draw. Just remember to compare the length of the limbs against other parts of the body.
As far as the rendering, you are suffering from body builder photos. These are often shot with front light and rim light to accentuate the muscles. This kind of lighting tends to flatten out the body, and creates too much contrast. Try to find reference that has a single light source, trust me, it will make your job much easier. I hope this is helpful :)
Richard Petkiewicz
Here's what I did for the final anatomy drawing
Hi @Richard Petkiewicz. I think you´ve done a really good job capturing the proportions. Comparing your drawing to the photo reference, your drawing seems very accurate proportionally. I also think you managed to captured the flow going from neck, through torso into the right leg. Gesture is easy to forget when focusing on proportion, so good job there. I´ll try to look for things to help you further:
- I don´t think more anatomy knowledge is what´s needed to take this drawing to the next level, the anatomy is looking decent to me :) I think the next step for you would be to dive deeper into the fundamentals of drawing. I would recommend Proko´s Figure Drawing Course and after that Dorian Iten´s Shading course.
Going to the figure drawing fundamentals course, might feel like back-tracking, but trust me, it´s not. The fundamentals is what will make your figure drawings soar. It´s called FUNDAMENTALS for a reason. You´ll be able to use your anatomy knowledge in a whole new way.
The figure drawing course teaches you some shading, but Dorian Iten´s course is great if you want to dive deeper into the subject
I hope this helps :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.