Wanted to show off some anime and cartoon drawings I did
Dennis Yeary
If anyone can give me some critiques on my drawings let know I like to improve my cartooning skills.
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Patrick Bosworth
Wow, this is a lot of great work!! (I love Pinky and the Brain! NARF!) You're covering a ton of ground here working on backgrounds/environments, perspective, characters, expressions, portraits, figure work, all excellent! What are you most interested in doing with your art? Comics/Manga, animation, game design, all of the above? All of the elements you're drawing here fundamentally revolve around storytelling, and you're working on improving your skills drawing the components beautifully so I'd love to see you start to integrate these elements into your own stories! Have you drawn a comic strip, or maybe some storyboards for an animation sequence you'd like to see? Start introducing some composition, and visual storytelling lessons into your work so you can learn how to tell stories through your characters. Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud is a great book on visual storytelling, as well as the Framed Ink series by Marcos Mateu-Mestre. Studying film and TV cinematography can also be a fun way to study visual storytelling. There's also a great resource text in the Famous Artists Cartooning course from 1953 which has public domain PDFs circulating on the Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/famous-artists-cartooning-course/mode/2up I hope this helps! Keep up the excellent work!!
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Dennis Yeary
ok I think I will after I finished proko basic course and get the shading part down.
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