NoAI Tag on Proko
Stan Prokopenko
Artists have clearly expressed that they don't want their copyrighted images being used to train AI image generators. So, until this ethical issue is figured out, all pages on now have the NoAI tag on by default. Proko people don't have to do anything to turn it on. AI is a technology that has impressively positive benefits that we already enjoy, but they need to figure out a responsible way to collect data. We've never sold or given artwork to data scrapers. We're doing this as a preventative measure for the future. Will the AI scraping robots honor these tags? I'm not sure, but I'm hopeful. Stable Diffusion recently announced they will let artists opt out of the data set. Still more to be done here, but at least they're thinking about the issue.
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This is a really, really ethical way to treat your students and fans. Thank you.
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Lynn Hann
Great Stan, Data gathering never occurred to me.
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@Stan Prokopenko Hi stan, I dout scrapers will honor this tag. So if I make my albums hidden, will it do anything? thanks
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Lynn Hann
If you make it hidden will other art students be able to view your work for inspiration etc?
Stan Prokopenko
Yes that should work.
Marko Rebletto
I like this answer on ArtStation. Very accurate.
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Thank you for doing this, it's a necessity
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I think it's great to give out a signal, however i'm curious if the AI bots will respect the tag :)
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Stan Prokopenko
My guess is the legitimate companies will honor it, eventually. Google honors the "noindex" tag. Eventually big IP studios will get involved. Disney will want to control which of their images are allowed to train AI. A little pressure from them would be huge.
Yiming Wu
lmao I'm sure that's gonna stop about 0% of the bots XD
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Stan Prokopenko
My guess is the legitimate companies will honor it, eventually. Google honors the "noindex" tag. Eventually big IP studios will get involved. Disney will want to control which of their images are allowed to train AI. A little pressure from them would be huge.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Really interesting issue.
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Thanks Stan!
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Lloyd Kuijs
That's great! Could you also let your subscribers know about the ongoing goFundMe campaign? I think it would help them greatly.
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Zeeyn Bertaud
Thank you Stan!
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