Just Starting!
Hello! I recently just started the figure drawing course! I have been struggling as this is all new to me, feedback would be appreciated! I have no anatomy knowledge, so I tried to capture the move to and essence of the pose instead. Wish me luck moving forward!
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Steve Lenze
Hey michaelbrixx, I agree, the drawings are kind of light, but I can see that you are indeed looking for the essence of the pose. We call that gesture: it tells the "story" of the pose. I think you would benefit from drawing larger and using your whole arm to draw, not just your wrist. This will help you to create some nice flowing gesture lines. I took one of your drawings and did a quick gesture/structural drawing over it to show you what you are aiming for. I hope this helps :)
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Thank you so much!
good to see you've started the figure drawing course! I've took that one to. For me, it's a bit hard to see what is going on in your sketches, they are very light. Might i suggest using a darker/ softer pencil?
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I’ll definitely use a softer pencil moving forward! I apologize for the extremely light sketches!
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