Sofia Zanetti
Sofia Zanetti
South America
I'm still at the beginning of my path, looking to improve as much as possible
Sofia Zanetti
What would my life be if it was a movie? I knew from the very begining what it would look like: a mess. A full blown up, mess. This comedic adventure tells the story of a shortsighted, lost, chaotic me. My superpower? Chips to go! So I can eat my problems away at anytime. My companion? A good boy that is just as confused as me. My goal? Survival. This adventure is full of missed proyects, forgotten finals, breakdowns, unfinished art pieces and surprises that should not have been surprises in the first place. In quests like these, people level up. I, on the other hand, level through, because uneffective multitasking is one of my strongest skills. Watch me as I juggle through piles of unfinished paperwork, to the long lost lands of atrociously incomplete art proyects that will haunt your dreams for times to come. And lastly, but definitely not least, battling the final boss: Mental health. This film blends action, suspense and the exciting arrhythmic heartbeat of wondering what comes next (seriously, what does comes next?) with light-hearted comedic suffering. With "The misadventures of a procastinator" expect the unexpected, from hair loss to lack of short term memory. Now at
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Dan B
I think the head is somewhat receding into the background as the values get closer because the hue is also similar. I would first move the lady's silhouette further to the right and bring the book up a little so it's clear that's the focus. I would make the highest contrast occur with her head and fade further away (accentuate the glare and the silhouette of her head), but I also see you're trying to capture the glare of the sun which would make the surroundings darker, so it depends on your intent.
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Sofia Zanetti
Thank you so much! You're making it so easy to understand!
Sofia Zanetti
hellooo! I'm kinda new to painting so I'm trying to go as simple and easy as possible to create some building blocks and then advance more. Hence this painting: a monochromatic silhouette. so this is the shadow in a wall of a lady reading a book and some pillows in a very intense sunset. But it feels plain? What can I do to make it seem more real vivid and with more depth?
Sofia Zanetti
I tried stylizing him it for some reason it feels off. I exaggerated his main features, and then painted over it following the asaro head as a guide. When I put the actual photo of him right next to the drawing I get that it's the same person, but when the drawing is alone I can't seem to recognize him. any idea of what could've gone wrong and what I can do to improve?
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