It feels plain???
Sofia Zanetti
hellooo! I'm kinda new to painting so I'm trying to go as simple and easy as possible to create some building blocks and then advance more. Hence this painting: a monochromatic silhouette. so this is the shadow in a wall of a lady reading a book and some pillows in a very intense sunset. But it feels plain? What can I do to make it seem more real vivid and with more depth?
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Dan B
I think the head is somewhat receding into the background as the values get closer because the hue is also similar. I would first move the lady's silhouette further to the right and bring the book up a little so it's clear that's the focus. I would make the highest contrast occur with her head and fade further away (accentuate the glare and the silhouette of her head), but I also see you're trying to capture the glare of the sun which would make the surroundings darker, so it depends on your intent.
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