Matija Vuk
Can anyone simpify the "user agreement contract" that was kinda slaped at us after we purchased the course ? :)
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1. You get limited license to use Marvel intellectual property in this course ONLY. 2. You can share User Submissions ONLY in this course. 3. Don't bother Marvel with work from this course. 4. Be nice to people, and don't share offensive work. 5. You agree with Proko's regular terms. Basically be nice and whatever happens in the course stays in the course.
Cade Burdett
Day 30: Actually slept for a while on the plane ride today, so I didn’t really draw as much as I thought I would. I need to keep working on my proportions in order to make my drawings look better. Just gotta keep drawing! Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
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For hands specifically you can watch these amazing videos of Marco Bucci if you haven't yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBMQ-H-qUVk&t=465s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBwb2tNSrng
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