Vera Robson
Vera Robson
Learning to draw.
Vera Robson
Here's my boxy people.
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Vera Robson
Thank you all for your very nice comments, they make me feel happy about my progress!
Vera Robson
How do medical doctors learn and retain all of this stuff (and at an incomparably deeper level)?
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Vera Robson
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Vera Robson
I got carried away with shading (which I am obviously not yet good at), but it is a persistent problem to force myself practice specific things while I just love to draw. Just keep trying I guess!
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Albert Galilov
I tried this exercise with an apple, let me know how I can improve. Not sure why but the big shadow in the middle of the apple looks like a hole instead of wrapping around the apple, how could I fix it to look correct?
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Vera Robson
So incredibly beautiful, fun and inspirational! Thank you for sharing. I am only beginning to figure out how to work in a sketchbok - been mostly drawing on pieces of paper and throwing them out. Now I am trying to discipline myself to carry the sketchbook with me, and do all my sketches in there. It is nice to look back at my own drawings, even though they still look amature and scrawny. Maybe after a few years of practice my sketchbooks will also look beautiful!
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Johannes Schiehsl
Here is an animated illustration I did for my animation students about 1 to 5 point perspective. I also explain to them that these are tools to create the illusion of 3d space on a flat surface like a piece of paper, a screen or a cinema canvas. PS: Marshall is a gem. I am so looking forward to his course.
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Vera Robson
Very cute and informative at the same time!
Vera Robson
I've had too much fun researching medical explanations about foot joints on the Internet 🤣🤣🤣 Time to move on and revisit this later.
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Vera Robson
Following Stan's tutorial again.
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When looking at other boxhand drawings in the forum, I see a lot that I didn't consider. Many look drawings look amazing, Being a novice, do I learn from these drawings or wait for the demo and critiques. I know I have to start somewhere but what if I'm learning from incorrect drawings. Am I overthinking on this ? Any feedback would be appreciated.
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Vera Robson
What works for me in this course is to first try myself, then look at a demo, then try again, then watch critique and try again, and so on. Also you are not overthinking, again from my experience it is normal to struggle with the learning workflow, just keep working on it and experimenting.
Vera Robson
Managed to draw only two hands before the critique deadline 😊
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Vera Robson
My first day doing this course, so I haven't fully figured out what exactly I am supposed to do with the exercises. Great fun studying Marshall's drawings though, so cool that he is teaching parts of this course.
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Vera Robson
It is startling to see the difference between what I saw on the photo through the lens of my ignorance and what is actually in there. Also I figured it is not strictly necessary to trace over a photo for this exercise, as it is about seeing muscles, and not tracing precision.
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Vera Robson
I don't feel like I am ready to do a very detailed rendering of the kind that Stan did, and my time is better spend on practicing individual skills at this stage! I still gave this exercise a smaller scale try. It was helpful, as it got me thinking about shading, and what is the best way to continue learning.
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Vera Robson
This was fun, but I'd like to move on to people! May revisit this assignment later, along with other animal exercises from the Drawing Basics course.
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Vera Robson
Some level 1 boxes. I can't figure out how to do level 2, so going to wait for the demos and try again!
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Vera Robson
Perspective is so easy to understand, but extremely hard to implement because the lines have to be super precise, especially where the angles get slim. It is also hard to find balance between eyeballing and construction. I guess more practice will help.
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Vera Robson
I drew all poses from the pack, but only chose the better looking to post. I think I understood the idea of rhythms, but I easily get carried away with enjoying the process of drawing people, so not sure these ended up being purely rhythms. I hope to get back to this exercise later, and I am also now incorporating rhythms into my life drawings.
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Vera Robson
Pre demo sketches.
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Vera Robson
My goal is to have no goals! Art is a hobby for me, and it actually takes some effort to keep it that way. I like it that I have something in my life that I do purely for fun. Good luck to everyone in accomplishing whatever challenges you set for yourself in 2024!
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