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These were tricky to get down, I think these are close, but would like them to be a bit more accurate. Definitely going to practice the bucket a bit more and getting the angles right. Any suggestions or honest critiques would be great.
Jesper Axelsson
I think these look pretty good. The structure is quite good and the anatomy looks pretty accurate. - Double check with perspective lines, to make sure that you get the convergence right (see paintover.) -In the top left it feels a bit like the sacrum is floating, like it's not clearly tucked into the pelvis. To place the sacrum correctly, it has helped me to find the articulate surfaces of the iliae first, and then fit the sacrum in between. - In the drawing to the right, the structure and shape of the sacrum doesn't look right to me. - I would study the size and placement of the acetabulum a bit more. -Try drawing the pelvis from imagination, to test your knowledge. Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
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Draw Skelly Assignment, these were fun and a bit tricky on getting the perspective right. The pelvis shape was giving me some problems so I had to practice some cylinders at different angles and it got a bit easier. The spine was tricky as well to place sometimes. I started focusing more on the gesture of the poses as I went on. Whole thing took me about 3 hours because I was determined to fix mistakes. Any critique would be appreciated.
Benjamin Green
Looks damned good.
Marco Sordi
Good job!
For your drawings on the right for both your images, remember the spine will always follow the curve of the rib cage at the back center line. Those ones seem a bit off. But nice job though.
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Started off the first one copying more than simplifying, then I started to realize I need to care less about exact shapes and more on form and simple designs. I didn’t have much trouble beside the hands and how I should simplify the elbow. It actually was quite relaxing because I wasn’t worried about detail, I could have detailed more if I wanted to, but didn’t feel that was the point of this assignment. Any critique would be nice. I spent about an hour on whole thing.
Wow great job. I think your rib cage is too small, but everything looks 3d so it doesnt really matter.
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