im a beginner, who started 2021 february, and i started the figure drwaing course and the drawabox, which im still doing right now.
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i havent been drawing for a good while now, but have been started again, just having some fun with it.
so i have just been doing portraits and praciticing with the loomis head.
would love some critics on this if i am doing anything wrong and what it is etc.
i feel like the loomis head could of course use a lot of practice to get more precice with the measurements, but i really am strugeling wtih the eyes, nose and lips and how the hair should be drawn better.
i dont feel like these look perfect but im pretty happy with this starting point looking forward starting to study drawing a bit again (probably buying proko's portrait course soon i think)
i have been drawing seriously for 7 mounth so not that long, after doodling for many years.
I started 7 mounth ago with the Proko figure course which im stil on and in the end of the measurement asignment.
i have been doing the drawabox on the side too, where im at the lesson 3.
im a big fan of realistic art mostly
Artists that i like for examples are
- Jeremy geddes
- Wlop
- Eliza ivanova
- Stephen Bauman
- zhaoyang3665
as a few
I was thiking of after being done with the proko figure to either go to the anatomy or portrait course, i has also been thinking of trying the barque book,
or loomis or michael hampotons book on figure drawing.
and would also love to hear peoples opinions on the bargues
what would you guys receomend for me to go next thinking of the kind of art i like? either what of the courses i mentioned or if u got any other ideas of courses out there
thank you in advance :D
would love some feedback on this
i have now been doing this for 2 weeks, would you guys think im doing it okay to proceed to the shading or shall i stick with this a little while longer?
i have now been trying to figure out the gesture of this pose for a LONG time this is a couple of my tries for today
i would love to see others attempt, to maybe kicjstart some ideas of this poses gesture or just some feedback anything can be helpfull
Luigi Manese
Hi @Tobias Degnebolig, I think these are some great 5 minute studies. One proportional issue that seems consistent in most of your drawings is that the heads are feeling just a tad bit too small in proportion to the body, so try to keep that in mind and make them slightly bigger in your future studies to match.
Additionally, I think it feels a bit difficult to critique some of your pieces because it looks like the level of finish for some of your mannequins vary. I've attached an image that shows one of Proko's simpler mannequins (the on one the right) and I feel that's probably a good level to do your studies. Try not to focus on adding features for now, and just make sure that the major features (simplified rib cage, hips, limbs, and head) all feel very solid and well constructed. If you want a point of reference from what you've uploaded, I think the second mannequin is a good level of finish to go to.
I think lastly, just watch out for some of the proportions for the limbs in your studies as well. Proportion is definitely one of the harder concepts to fully learn (just doing the drawing lay in for your figures will be challenging at all levels) so don't be too hard on yourself if you're not getting it right away. If there's anything about my critique that you need me to clear up, feel free to let me know so that I can expand on some of these concepts!
your comments make alot of sense and is realy usefull to me, im a little curious about the gesture pictuce from proko there, since (what i have seen) there are alot of diffrent approaches to gesture, and this picture kinda show the gesture as a "stick figure" kinda, but it still reads the gesture realy good, and is very clear on what the pose is doing.
so i was curious if u could come with any feedback to this gesture to structure drwaing i did (i do know that the gesture of leg is bad line quality tho xD )
I think that you need to focus on understanding form and contour lines. the girl's body looks a little flat to me, and before adding the details in i would make sure that all my shapes and forms and anatomy is in the right place. the male's body is smaller than that of the reference, so you have to mind that too. and with regards to the gesture, yours looks a little bit stiff. try taking a break, then coming back to it after then hopefully you'll see where you got it wrong. :D
thanks for the feedback, i am also right now mainly focusing on training my understadning form and gesture.
im not really looking into anatomy yet
Hey Tobias,
Nice job working out the different concepts of figure drawing. I did a drawing to show you how you can approach gesture and structure. The way your thinking is correct, you just need to work on the structural shapes more. Also, think about how to use perspective to give those shapes a 3D look and feel. Keep up the good work :)
thank you for the insight.
but a question to your drawing, arent we looking down at the pose ? so we would see the bottom box from the top plane and not the bottom plane? or am i watching this wrong?
i tried the assignment #1 in the Mannequinization part again after been following steve huston at NMA for 2 weeks also.
side note im not done with the prokos figure course im only at the exagetaration part xD
i tried one 5 min drawing where i focus on the the way steve huston break down the figure
then i did 2, 1 min drawings below
the right where i only focus on the gesture
and the left where i focus on the robo bean and the gesture at the same time.
im kinda curious waht people think about the way i break the pose down, and on the 3 difftrent ways i do it and for any feedback on the diffrent ways i did it
would more then love some feedback
i am mainly focusing on gesture and structure right now, so i know that the cross hatching that i tried is sucking, but any feedback is welcome ;D