Theodore Lowry
Theodore Lowry
Salt Spring Island Canada
Story-maker and Story-teller
drawing an ancient sculpture in my country, cambodia. i need to practice more on simplifying detail, what to leave, what to keep. I guess I was forgetting about practice lining but rather subconsciously try to get the shape right.😬
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Theodore Lowry
Studies for imagination, then the last one is the final version - I think the body is a bit long so I might do it again!
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Theodore Lowry
Nice. I love his energy!
im proud of this study final image is my final sketch added the things i liked most
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Theodore Lowry
Nice. I am really liking how the overall rhythms of the shapes include the more detailed areas.
Shannon Hartson
Tried to stay as loose as possible with these. I'm open to feedback, of course.
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Theodore Lowry
nice. you might try drawing through the lines, making them longer, less scratchy, for smooth flow.
Theodore Lowry
Here they are! Feedback is welcome.
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Theodore Lowry
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Theodore Lowry
Pears, the portrait, and another still life in there too.
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Theodore Lowry
Some warm-up, material testing stuff. I don't need a critique for this :)
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