Mon Barker
Some ‘bonny’ sea creatures. And a monkey-piglet hybrid thing….🤔
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these are something else, amazing job, but holy cow this reference.
Good reminder, thank you Stan! The warm-up from your course that stick with me is the Supermario mushroom, I love that those can be done really small or big, depending where i am ect. Excited to go back to the previous warmups too. Have a great end of the winter, start of the spring!
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Hi people! Happy new year to you! I drew few 2level faces, it is really hard for my brain, after these my head started steaming 😅😅 luckily in Finland we have coldest temperatures we had in years, i can go cool down and freshen up in seconds. Probably gonna do more when I have time! Thanks for looking!
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Few minute and two minutes and then 5 minute poses. Holy charcoal, Batman. This is where felt most that i lack the umph, the punch, the dynamic, the power. Annoying.
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Always late. The most fun 12 days in busiest season… 2 mins and few 5 mins
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One minute bunch, two minutes bunch and 5 min sketch. So much fun!
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20 minutes with markers. Oh shoot i would have wanted to spend hours with each. Really fun and inspiring these 12days! 😍🙏🙏 thank you Proko team!
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30 sketch. Haha, i’ve been doing so many quick sketches that the time felt like forever. That is something i have to practice, to make polished work. I just love the loose sketching. But yeah after 25 mins i decided to think about the bone structure which is my weakness too… super fun thing this 12days of proko!
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Hey ya’ll! Been so busy I missed this cool event! Those mermaids would’ve been awesome to sketch! Maybe have to buy the pack. Anyway, heres 2 minute warriors + sketched more with one pose without time limit. so cool early gift from you Proko crew! Happy holidays!
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Post after a long while! I did inktober so haven't been here alot. Also inktober over so have had time to go to draw at nature museum. Plus bonus trooper ar cinema next to museum.
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Good day! Haha, i think i started a sketchbook over a year ago doing these trainstation sketches+other peoplesketching. It has been so fun and i hope i can continue it all the time. There has been totally shitti drawing days, can't get grip of people's characters ect. Here are the highlights! Thanks for looking!
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Hi mates! I'm back after Summer. Been so friggin' busy and stressed out by life, haven't been posting assigments, did some but posting these take time. But hey here's my reference seals and I'll add imagination seals soon! Nice to be chatting with you all again this Autumn! 🍁🍂🎑
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Level 2 thumbnails after reading the assigment again 🙈
Level 2 seals! Thanks for looking!
Good summer to ya'll! I hope you are not heating up, we in Finland have pretty good weather going on, not too cold or hot. Here's my level 2 assignment. Reference photos from my phone. I feel that i went maybe too simple, but not enough to see the actual shape.. i dunno, this is very good warm practice, very fun! Have great weekend ya'll!
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Gorillaz Artist Jamie Hewlett has been on my mind last year or so. I admit, I kept this pretty lazy study because hectic life at the moment... Am I the only one who can't get stuff done because good weather outside? When living in Finland and north, we have obligation to go out and enjoy the weather if you can. But perfect reason to go draw outside!
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Bonus pic about the weathers ☀️🐱
Thank you so much for the critique! Really valuable information and clicked somethought about my design/process. These few nuggets you take me to another level! ⬆️⬆️ Thank you so much, I appreciate it!
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My level 2 Rhino! Haha, now that I see the Stan version, my rhino proportions are way off. And I hope I didn't simplify too much for this exercise.
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Good day! I noticed the vid just yesterday, i guess i had notifications off... But this is something I am constantly working on. I used to be a fulltime tattooartist, so this is something I have tried to push from day 1. 🙈 At the moment, I am trying to work as parttime tattooer in the "new-school" style which has huuge amount of different lineweights, some colored lines, some huge black ones. Here's some I have been working on lately and studied +photos of the aquarium reference (drew with pencil at the location, added colors and lights at home): But still, I try to get time and do the rhino ASAP. Thanks for looking, happy spring to ya'll! ☀️☀️☀️
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Some skating, lighter picture is me doing the warm-up, darker strokes are me just cross hatching the shapes. I started crosshatching in the idea to combine light-medium-dark practice, but noticed right away the line quality is not what we were striving for so next time as a warm-up i'll do the other one!
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Good day! Here's my assigment for the level two entry. Warmups the level 1, then had my Mooses as reference, loose sketches, maybe got the assigment little wrong again, i noticed Stan was doing the original character with the references. But my main character was this dancing Moose. Not sure if it was supposed to stay this sketchy. Anyway, thanks for looking, good March and March of robots to you who participate in that! 🤖🤖🤖
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Day 15? Naturemuseum day!
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