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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
Asked for help
Here are some 30-second gesture sketches I've done.
Keep going is the only advice I could provide. Gesture really is the secret to more expressive and effective drawing! Maybe increase the timer to 2-3 mins, idk....
Asked for help
Here's my attempt at level 1, I enjoyed drawing the boot the snail not so much
Hey Sion, nice drawings, I can tell you nailed the linework and the proportions, but I'm missing the C and S lines. I think the boots are a great opportunity to work on C and S curves as almost nothing is straight there, but you used a lot of straight line segments. The snail has some great mix of straight and S curves on the body, and the shell can get a lot of C love.
In the end it's your own design decision, and both look great with the chained straight lines, just my 2c :)
wow, this looks good!
I notice quite a few points that can be improved, but what matters is that you keep trying. Keep practicing over and over again and accept that mistakes are part of the process. In a few months you will look back and see the actual progress you made!
I suggest you keep watching Stan's videos and practice along. the critique and demo videos really do help to understand things better, so maybe give this project another try after watching those?
One easy callout: I'm seeing some pretty keenly observed shape delineations, but the sketchiness of the fills causes them to bleed together a bit. Take your time filling in the value-blocks if you want to achieve solid areas of tone that let those edges sharpen up.