Martin C
Martin C
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Martin C
Spanish subtitles?
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Martin C
can i apply this tecnique on the face? because I find it very difficult :(
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Martin C
Martin C
Sorry i don't understand, in the lesson Character Line-Up at the end of the video the final process it's done in traditional, but in this lesson at the begining the greyscale work it's done in digital, how I do this? there is no explanation it just happens. Thx
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Martin C
Could someone write me a SCHEDULE for beginners? I have a lot of free time now. thx
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Martin C
it would be amazing if someone can suggest me one
Edd Diaz
Well, it never gets easier, in a good way. You gotta understand that studying human anatomy is one of the most difficult things ever to do as a artist so don't beat yourself up. Before giving any advice, how much time did you spend on each of this drawings? and is it possible to see better quality pics? Just saying, its a little rough heh. Also, imo there is a component of construction to gesture drawing, yes, but like @Synthia Lillendandie said if you wanna focus on construction then do that, but if its gesture then focus on just eye balling things, not tying to measure everything all the time helps too. To loosen myself up and keep the art anxiety at bay i do VERY short timed gestures. From 30 seconds to 2 minutes max, that forces you to improvise on the spot, and also forces you to filter out what's most important to the gesture and what provides more visual information with the least amount of work or in this case in the least amount of time. TLDR keep going lol, it gets better the more you do it
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Martin C
No se si hablaras español por tu nombre jeje la verdad me la juego, que no se me da bien el ingles. La calidad de las imagenes por ahora es esta no tengo un celular mejor y por cada dibujo diría que me tomo de 2 min a 10 min diría yo, el tema que me puede la imaciencia , recien llevo 5 dias dibujando despues de mucho tiempo...
Synthia Lillendandie
Sometimes it is easier to focus on one thing at a time. When I practiced gesture drawing, it helped to focus more on pushing the post and the gestural quality, while worrying about the anatomy less. Other times I would focus more on the anatomy and construction. It's tough for beginners to do both of these things well at the same time. That's why I recommend breaking things down and setting one intention at a time until you feel you're getting a grasp on things. Also, have you tried 'the bean' and 'robo bean' lessons from Proko on YouTube? That's another way you can build structure in the body. If you're learning something new, give yourself time. :) Pushing yourself always feels uncomfortable at first, but you can grow.
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Martin C
thx for your words. i 'll try to do my best but it's hard hehe 😅
Martin C
I have a lot of problems when I draw a gesture and build the structure, I can't find the way that is easy for me...I am very frustrated i feel stuck :(
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Martin C
I have a lot of problems when I draw a gesture and build the structure, I can't find the way that is easy for me...I am very frustrated i feel stuck :(
Martin C
I don't understand how the method works exactly, any advice ? thx
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