Activity Feed
Samuel Sanjaya
My HTB worm. this method makes shading easier. Been applying this to my own project too. Any feedback or critiques are welcome
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I tried to make the dark band look like it’s a part of the worm’s skin but I was unsuccessful 😂. I have really come a long wayyy I wasn’t able to any of these things before this course.
I will use drawabox more later
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i did my best
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It’s really fun
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I made lots of mistakes but I have come so far!!!! when I started this course knew nothing about how to even read an image for value but now I can at least read and estimate where values are meant to be, I make a lot of mistakes but for a beginner that is a lot of progress. Thank you DORIAN
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It took me quite a long time to complete this 😭 when I started tracing it became even harder.
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I hope I become better with using procreate
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early in learning photoshop...
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