Kind of late but managed to do a 30 minute sketch.
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A color study and a 30 minute sketch. Hope it came out good.
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Did a 30 minute study. Hope you like it!!!
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Gannon Beck
I spent a more time on this one. I used mixed media: Acrylics, Prismacolor pencils, and pen. I did more measuring than I usually do, which is almost none. I'm trying to incorporate lessons from the Drawing Basics course into my approach. The measuring doesn't feel natural to me yet, and is sacrificing a little bit of the gesture. I think that will work itself out as I continue to use measuring as a tool. What the measuring is doing, is pointing out where my intuition is off and is thus showing which of my tendencies I need to look out for.
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Love the colours!!
40 minute study. It was very fun! Great reference photos.
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This is a 25 minute layin. Hope you like it!
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Hi! Long time viewer. First time participating in one of these. I hope you like it!
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