Nathan Black
Nathan Black
Beerland, Texas
Calligrapher trying to move into more drawing
Activity Feed
Kishan Patel
The page Marshall scrolls through with all the drawings, is this a thread on actual community or do we have to just view them on the page below?
Nathan Black
They can be found in the comments on the first assignment
Nathan Black
First attempt at these boxes. I think I don’t have good water control and that is making my washes uneven
Nathan Black
The recommended palate is Daniel Smith watercolor tubes in: - Ultramarine Blue - Quinacridone Red - Indian or Lemon Yellow
Nathan Black
Back in the saddle after a long break
Nathan Black
And another of my buddy Ben
Nathan Black
Watching your process is so helpful. The talk through is really inspiring
Nathan Black
Level one
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are lookin good! Here’s something that may help your cow drawing. Start with a simple line first, and then get more complicated. Don’t worry if it is correct to the photo. All these drawings are fun, keep it up!
Nathan Black
I've always loved Syd Mead, and this was a great chance to stare deeply into his work (and buy his Visual Futurist book)
Nathan Black
How 'bout them Rhinos! (all feedback welcome)
Nathan Black
These are my second attempt, now following along with the video. I feel like this pass of the hand is a lot more dynamic than the previous (on the project assignment). I like the penguin more too!
Toni Blackmore
That ring thing in the first drawing fought back my every attempt to draw it accurately, and looking at this I see what you mean about dynamic movements. All three look like they were captured mid gesture, not drawn from a held pose if that makes sense.
Patrick Bosworth
Nice progress! Keep it up!
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