Joseph Hernandez
Joseph Hernandez
Intermediate Artist wanting to be professional. A lifetime doing other things the universe is putting me in a position to need to follow my heart
Joseph Hernandez
Single pencil value study. Wanted to start with values determined by a single lead before varying graphite densities. Next will be that and then a pencil/ink study.
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Joseph Hernandez
Value study comparing different values and lighting highlights
Joseph Hernandez
This is a study in Oil. I used a photo from one of my artist reference books. I was also attempting to play with referring to darker areas that may have a more blue tint than a sienna or umber. I utilized Pthalo Blue as the base layer in those areas. For the Skin tone I used Naples Yellow and Umber in the lighter layered areas. I mostly stuck to those 3 colors only utilizing Black for the hair. I didn't focus on anything in the background as I was simply playing with color and completing a "portrait" study. I'm just seeking any relevant feedback as I am trying to.improve and "get back on the horse"......Thank!
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Joseph Hernandez
Asked for help
Hey guys! I'm looking to get back to my Art and am reaching out for feedback on all my pieces. I'd really like to refocus and make Art my career as I'm tired of doing what I'm doing now. So I'm showing at fairs, shows and galleries, establishing an online presence and seeking guidance from communities like this! This is called "Venetian Woman" its a study of the "Venus de Milo". Mixed Media, comprised of Micron Pen, Charcoal, Graphite and a "hint" of Gold Leaf on Watercolor Paper 18" × 24. I'm working to get better at illustration and hopefully be able to segway into an art based career.
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Joseph Hernandez
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Joseph Hernandez
"Frontier Spirit" - Spray Paint, Acrylic on Wood Panel 2' × 4'
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